Tuesday, 27 September 2011

The Lardy Boy Run Streak Begins

23.2 Miles (628.7 Total)

September 17th - 4.0 (A little jaunt in the New Forest while camping with Team LB) 

September 19th - 7.1 (A 10k training run with a friend around Chiswick then a jog home after)
September 20th - 4.6 (Mrs LB's longest run and fastest run yet!  Impressive stuff around Chiswick) 
September 27th - 7.5 (The RunStreak til Christmas begins!)

Morning all,

The last couple of weeks have been fairly quiet running wise but I have still managed to keep pulling on the trainers every now and then.  A bust couple of weeks at home and work have reduced the ability to get out.  Also Team LB went camping in the New Forest a couple of weeks ago and I have just returned from a 4 day booze-fuelled, 6 round of golf frenzy that is an annual event that always leaves me rather 'jaded' for a few days after.

This morning then was a rather tentative step back into the unknown with a fairly regulation trip to Hammersmith, river to Kew and Home run.  I was very surprised that I felt pretty much alright on the run although I was attacked by mosquitoes on the aforementioned golf weekend and that proved a little uncomfortable!

Today marks the start of the final push to 1,000 miles for the year.  Despite 2 separate injuries that forced me to run much less than planned in March and no running at all in July I remain very confident that I can deal with the remaining mileage by attempting a run streak.  I just have to keep reminding myself that this is not a race and the mileage is what counts for me.  Anyway the rest of the week are fairly regular 3 milers with a 12 mile run planned for Saturday morning.

In other news and by some kind of miracle I stepped in the scales and they tipped in BELOW 15st....  Now this is hardly puts me in the underweight category but it does mean that I have lost a stone in weight this year, although I still want to lose at least another stone before the end of the year.  This barrier will mean a name change will be required!

Also my Just Giving page has now officially closed and I am delighted to say I raised in excess of £5k before Gift Aids.  I will dig out the letter and put on my next blog.  I am very proud of the fundraising achievement and sincerely grateful to my friends and family who have contributed so generously.  Even more amazing are the donations from people I have never even met, so thank you!  If you haven't yet donated but want to please go click here to go to the Cri du Chat Support Group website and donate directly.  If you do, please let me know as it will help spur me on in the coming weeks.

Anyway having buggered off for a boys weekend I have a lot to crack on with so that is all for now.


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

600 Lards.....

15.7 Miles (605.5Total)

September 12th - 8.1 (LB Towers to Kew, South Bank to Hammersmith and home) 

September 14th - 7.6 (LB Towers to Hammersmith, North Bank to Kew and home)

Thought I would drop an extra blog mid-week as I reached 600 miles this morning.  I had hoped to run up north (well Derbyshire) last weekend however without kids I decided to not set my alarm.  As a result I had 2 mahoosive lie ins and also was rather well fed!  Therefore I went out on Monday for a middle-distance run and I have to say I nearly fainted when I got home!  Too much booze and food at the weekend!

Anyway after a rest day yesterday I was up with the larks for a 6am run this morning and what a morning.  Such a great day to be up early for a run.  I have a lot on today but wanted to drop a quick blog out to give myself a 600 mile pat on the back.  

From Friday I will start a run streak as previously mentioned to get me to 1,000 miles by Christmas Eve.  I have to admit I have decided that the streak will have a little relapse early on!  Next weekend I am off to Kent for a boys golf weekend with 4 nights away from home, on it, golfing, beering, currying, basically all the things I enjoy outside of family life.  I have decided that I will not run Friday - Sunday thus will break the 100 day streak and make it a 97 day one instead!  Truth be told I had only scheduled 1 milers those days but I already know that I won't do it so why pretend!

That said trying to achieve 400 miles in the next 100 days is a big enough ask so think I will just focus on that!

Also Team LB are off camping in the New Forest this weekend so LB will be on tour running around Hants this weekend.

Anyway have a great day

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Back To Blighty

20.4 Miles (589.8Total)

September 2nd - 6.8 (loop from holiday house, out to Monseret and home again) 
September 3rd - 1.1 (Streaksaver mile before getting in the car to drive 800 miles home - a run for each day of the holiday)
September 6th - 4.2 (Streak broken - see below, a nice gentle trot around Acton and Chiswick with Mrs LB)
September 8th - 8.3 (Run from Annie's nursery down to Kew, river to Hammersmith and home via Chiswick High Road)

Well what an interesting end to last week and the beginning of this!  The end of the holiday in France was a little uneventful, the weather went distinctly RosBif!  Anyway there was some good news at the end of the holiday (I managed to lose 4lbs on holiday despite drinking and eating my body weight in wine and cheese) and I ran each morning of our holiday.

Completely unrelated to running and in the interest of providing you with some amusing light relief (laughter at the ineptitude of LB) there was also some bad news in the guise of my driving. Now like the next man I think I am the best driver in the world and I am pleased to say that up until last week I had had some 21 years of trouble free driving.

Last week I managed to dink my car twice in fairly laughable ways that I will only share face to face as they are embarrassing and hilarious in equal measure.  Not so funny is the 2 lots of excess that will have to be paid to the garage when I get the car back.  I am tempted to run the Marathon next year in aid of my excess payments as surely there are fewer worthy causes in the world today....  Well maybe not but I am rather strapped for cash now so feel free to make a donation.

Anyway after driving 800 miles on Sat / Sun I had no interest in running so decided to rest and focus back on the plan.....

Starting from next Friday I will be doing a 100 day run streak taking me both to 1,000 miles and Christmas Eve.  I need to get at least 600 miles by then.  I am planning on running over the weekend on a visit to the Hatchets in Belper so I should be well over the 600 mile barrier by then and on track!

Also in the distance are the Great South Run at the end of October which is 10 miles and I am very keen to get the pace up again to smash the 1.5 hour barrier.  Also I will find out about the London Marathon place in October.  I won't lie, if I don't get in then I won't be that disappointed!  If I don't get in then I will need to get my thinking cap on for 2012's challenge, still a long way to go on this one though!

Till next time

Thursday, 1 September 2011


51.6 Miles (569.4Total)

August 20th – 10.2
August 22nd – 2.7
August 23rd – 8.5
August 25th – 6.3
August 28th – 4.3
August 29th – 3.0
August 30th – 6.8
August 31st – 3.0
September 1st – 6.8
Well it is has been 3 weeks since the last blog and but the running has continued

Welcome to sunny (well not so today) South of France.  You will note that this week (so far) I have managed a run streak of sorts.  Despite being surrounded by hills and the weather being distinctly warm, I have enjoyed running each morning.  I have done this each morning mostly to counteract the daily imbibing of many beers (have one by my side now), wine and my body weight in melting cheese.

Team LB are having a great time.  This is our first trip abroad for a holiday in 3 years so it has been great to get away.  One story worth sharing is that despite driving 800 miles in 2 days without a hitch I managed to prang the car into a metal house protector thingy (technical) with 100 yards to go.  I was having to reverse back up a dead end road.  I will post a photo of the damage when I get back...

The plan for the last 2 days of the holiday is to keep the run streak going and try to get the mileage up when I am back from my holiday.  There are 4 months of the year left and I have 430 miles to do, the maths and the running is beginning to look rather difficult!