Wednesday, 16 February 2011

T-60 - The Best Lard Yet

11.4 Miles (262.2 Total)
105 Minutes (40 Hours 53 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Many reasons to be cheerful this afternoon.  I wasn't even too keen on going for a run today to be honest.  I was woken up at 3am by a couple of very loud very pissed blokes shouting at each other outside my house.  They were shouting so loud that I even got up and had a nosy (no jokes old mates) out the window to make sure that they weren't about to have a rumble.  I was very surprised to see them walking arm in arm each doing their best to keep the other upright.  Typically for me this resulted in an inability to go back to sleep and meant I was in my kitchen working at 4am....  Not the best of starts.

There were a few reasons that prompted me to get out there this afternoon:
  1. I had a fully loaded fry up at Disney Towers with an old Disney colleague, Mr Liam Gallagher for a catch up!
  2. Having got home I couldn't resist going out because the weather was perfect.
  3. I had begun to suffer some 'workers block' which was leading to procrastination (one of my specialist subjects sometimes)
  4. Ms Kerry Fox donated £20 to the cause.  This in itself would not be a cause for a 11+ mile run but you see it took me over the £2k mark.  I couldn't let that pass without a run
  5. I am unlikely to be running tomorrow.  The Arse are attempting to play Barcelona this evening.  It will likely result in a significant amount of swearing, stressing and beer drinking.  Not ideal prep for a run!
What did surprise me however was just what a great run it was.  My best yet.  Not the longest run I have done so far but to have got well into double figures at 9min 16sec (4hr 3min marathon pace) per mile was a big confidence boost.

My slowest mile was 9mins 32sec (into the wind on the river) and my fastest was 8mins 55sec.  This for me is seriously good, I am made up.  Even my last full mile was below 9 minutes when I was feeling very shagged and as always nearly getting killed crossing Chiswick High Road.

Anyway another milestone with 40hrs running passed, so please donate on the link at the top of the blog and help me get to £3k.


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