Monday, 4 April 2011

T-13 - 2 Lards to Go

7.1 Miles (410.7 Total) - 2011 - 287.8 miles
65 Minutes (62 Hours 56 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @LardyBoy2011.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Morning all

I had to bin the planned 14 miler this morning.  My ankle was pretty sore when I set out this morning.  Normally after a couple of miles it settles down but this morning it didn't.  It might have had something to do with setting out at 5.30 and my body telling me to piss off, but there we go.

I wanted to run 14 miles as though it was the first 14 of the marathon, slow and steady so that I was ready to run a quicker second half.  As a result the pace was down but aside from my ankle I felt very comfortable so that part is good at least.  I am not particularly concerned about the ankle, nothing that ice and rest won't sort out.

The plan for the next 13 days is as follows:

  • From today - no booze at all except for a few glasses of wine next Saturday with the Durdles's's's
  • A LOT of water
  • 5 miles fast - Wednesday
  • 14 miles at marathon pace - Friday
  • 3 short runs next week
  • Collect Marathon stuff from Excel Centre - Weds / Thurs next week
Because of my 1,000 mile challenge this year I feel like the marathon will be the end of the beginning rather than an end in itself but I really cannot wait and feel pretty much ready.  Whether I will be able to hit 4 hours is very much up for debate but the next 2 weeks is all about rest, recuperation and not getting man flu!

Anyway lots to do today so till next time!


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