Wednesday, 4 May 2011

T-35 Weeks - Motivation Required

16.7 Miles 2011 - 351.7 miles

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @LardyBoy2011.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Runs Completed
27th April - 7.4 miles @8:59mm
28th April - 3.3 miles @8:31mm
3rd May - 2.5 miles @8:17mm
4th May - 3.5 miles @9:53mm (had some company wife and sister in law, I went easy on them!)

Motivation post-marathon was always going to be an issue.  That is why I signed up to the 1,000 mile challenge.  Funnily enough I have found the 3 mile runs really hard work although I have been able to pick the pace up in a couple.  The run today though was fab, I had Mrs LB and her sister for company.  I have become a more a more sociable runner these days, I might even try and find a running club.  Previously I liked to be on my own so I could explode quietly into clouds of sweat and swearing.  Running in company keeps you going, special mention to Mrs LB who completed her longest run since her kayaking days today, well done Mrs LB!

Work has really picked up recently which, although good from a not being homeless perspective, is not so good from a can't be arsed to go for a run perspective.  I need to relocate my motivation mojo; a long run at some point this weekend (10 miles or so) is what is needed.

I had a lot of feedback on the diet plans, some of it was even printable.  Over the past weekend it was a struggle and there have been some fails along the way.  I am pleased to say that a like-minded dieter, Emma, has decided to join me with fines being paid for fails to our respective charities.  Some competition is always good.

I am doubling up today too, with 5-a-side footy this evening.  I am also restarting bootcamp in the next few days.

The only other Lardy Boy related news is that I entered the ballot for the 2012 London Marathon as promised.  I will have to wait til October to find out if I am in.  If I don't I won't lie, I will be delighted!

Apologies for the disjointed blog; I have a lot on today but wanted to get a blog of some description done!

See you soon

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