Friday, 17 June 2011

T-28 Weeks - Tough Lard

29.3 Miles 2011 - 461.6 miles
RunStreak: 21 days

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @LardyBoy2011.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Morning all!

Blimey what a week.  Outside of the running I had a boys weekend in St. Neots, golf and beer.  I must say that St. Neots is a very 'special' place.  Anyway after that the week has been very busy work-wise, the kids haven't been sleeping and as a result I am a little shagged to be honest.
On the running front, it has been a little difficult this week and now a change of focus.  On Monday (see below) I had an awful run.  As a result I have realised that I have been worrying too much about how fast I have run and not enough on the distance itself.  Anyway there is more information below so please have a look!
In other news I am pleased that the blog had a record number of views last week.  Please do keep reading and forwarding on to those who you think will find it amusing etc etc...
The Just Giving site will be up for 5 more weeks.  I am tantilisingly close to my goal of £5k before Gift Aids.  If you can spare a penny or 2 please do visit.  It makes a huge difference to a very small charity.  Cheers....

Runs Completed - Week Ending 17th June

Saturday - 1.2 miles @ 8:48mm
A 1 mile streak saver this morning. Nothing much to report. Off away with the boys golfing and drinking this weekend. This should make the run on Sunday morning interesting..

Sunday - 4.2 miles @ 8:50mm
Lardy Boy on Tour Activity! After a night out with the boys in the wonderful (!) town of St. Neots, a 7:30am run from the hotel in Abbotsley was not exactly high up on my to do list, but off I went anyway. Initially I thought a 1 miler would be all I was capable of. However being in new surroundings got me going so did a 4 mile out and back. Country roads, nice views and a sunny made the jaunt worthwhile.

Monday - 7.5 miles @ 9:19mm
Oh dear, what a disaster. This was one of the worst runs I have ever had the pleasure of 'running'. The first 2 miles were fine and then once hitting the river at Hammersmith it all started to unravel. The weekends fun and games with the boys in St Neots probably didn't help but essentially I imploded. I ran the whole way but there was nothing in the tank. Judging by my liquid (including Hot Marmite....!) and food intake once back home I think I might have been missing some fuel to say the least! I also now have concerns if I am in good enough shape to be running every day. We will see.

Tuesday - 1.2 miles @ 7:45mm
After Monday's disaster, I decided that the legs need a rest. So I did just the 1 mile streak saver but wanted to prove I could still run 'fast' (for me!). Pleased with the results but already regretting the run streak lark.... I will need to take it a bit easier on the mileage front in the next few days but determined to carry on for now at least.

Wednesday - 4.2 miles @ 9:47mm
A nice gentle jog around Chiswick with Mrs LB this morning. She runs at a nice even jog for me, I am pleased that she is picking up her mileage and her pace though. I think she might even do a 10k at some point soon.

Thursday - 8.0 miles @ 9:12mm
A nice steady early morning jaunt down by the river. I have decided to stop focusing on my times and worry only about distance. As a result I didn't look at my Garmin at all on the run. The result was a slower pace than normal but very consistent which is pleasing. To maximise the run streak I need to just do the miles. When it get close to races I can pick things up a little.

Friday -  3.0 miles @ 9:40mm
A nice cheeky jog round Chiswick with Mrs LB to finish the week.  The missus even tried to out sprint me at the end, the little whatsit.  Anyway a nice end to a tough week, getting close to the halfway mark, hopefully before the halfway point to the year!

Have a great weekend all



  1. Well done Jamie.

    How did you get on at golf? Did you win?


  2. No I was beaten by a pair of knob jockies... a bit disappointing

  3. Knob jockies who can play team golf better than you

  4. true, but glad you agree they are knob jockies
