Monday, 15 August 2011

Halfway Lard!

18.0 Miles (517.8Total)
Sunday 14th - 12 Miles
Monday 15th - 6 miles

So this week I managed to cross the halfway point.  I am not going to lie the plan was always to get there by the end of June.  As a result I am 6 weeks behind schedule and there is a plan needed to get back on track.  Before I go on about the plan I think it is always important to reflect and pause on the achievements such as they are.

It is 500 miles from Plymouth to Inverness.  Now I realise it is not quite John O'Groats to Lands End, but it does highlight just how bloody far I have run this year so far, all I need to do now is run back!  I have really enjoyed sharing goals etc with my Twitter-mates.  One thing you get used to is regardless of what you are doing there is always someone else doing something more ludicrous.  I mentioned RunGeordieRun last week who ran 3,100 miles across the USA in 100 days, or Simon B who is ex military suffering from PTSD and is running 100 marathons in 100 weeks.  What I am doing is absolutely nothing in comparison so I use that as a positive when I don't want to go for a run.

The other thing to reflect on is that I have spent a chunk of the year injured one way or another including not being able to run at all throughout July.  This helps me think that injury free I will achieve the goal.

So to the plan.  I want to target December 24th as my date for completing the challenge.  This will allow for any contingency but also provide a clear goal.  Over the next month I want to run as many miles as I can.  Then on the 16th September I will start a 100 day run streak ending on December 24th.  I am pleased that I have managed 18 miles in the past 2 days however there is such a long way to go I just have to get my Lardy Arse in gear.

Till later in the week.


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Man Flu

3.0 Miles (499.8Total)

Despite it being mid August and way past halfway through the year LB is finally spluttering his way towards the halfway point.  In some ways this is very frustrating however when you consider I have had a couple of injuries that have cost me nearly 8 weeks of running I still live in hope that the 1,000 mile target is well in view still.

A touch of man-flu meant that I had to realign my targets a bit this morning so only a little trot round Chiswick instead of 6-7 miles.

I made the mistake of finishing my run 5 minutes before the end of Mrs LB's bootcamp session.  I therefore got asked to do the 5 minute 'abs' session.  Now I put 'abs' in speech marks because I don't really own any of those.  5 painful minutes later I jogged alongside Mrs LB cycling until I raced her home on our street.  The good news is I won, the bad news is that I nearly died!  The problem with getting old is that your brain makes you think you can do things that you can't.  Mistake.

No matter.

In other news (not mentioning the r word here, I deal with that on Twitter), Arsenal desperately in need of an experienced, defensive player(s) has signed a 17 year old winger for £12M.  Marvelous.


Monday, 8 August 2011

Looters & Loonies

7.5 Miles (496.8Total)

Morning all

After a weekend of drunkenness I thought that maybe a run was required this morning to shake out the cobwebs so to speak.  Last week I managed 3 runs totaling 15 miles.  After a month off it wasn't a bad effort I suppose but I need to be back up to 25 miles per week quickly to keep the 1,000 mile challenge in sight.

The other issue last week was an apparent lack of pace to my running.  Now, you don't get a nickname of Lardy Boy and be very quick in the first place however I was a little concerned that I couldn't pick the pace up when I wanted to last week.  This morning though was a little better when mid-run I picked the pace up and brought my speed up a little.  So happy.

Of course this weekend the news was filled with the news that chavs like to smash up JD Sports and loot it for shell suits.  Quite why that is news is beyond me.  Dressing up theft as some sort of social - racial uprising against government cuts and police brutality is laughable.  As my mate on Twitter (Nelson's Nose) said this morning, why don't you lot nick a suit and go and get a fucking job.  Sums up my thoughts exactly.

Anyway onto much more inspiring stuff, I have followed Mark Allison's (aka RunGeordieRun) amazing (and very insane) 100 day 3,100 mile run across the US.  Today is his last day, just a mere 55 miles today to finish in NYC.  What he is doing is epic, one day maybe LB should do something as insane as this......  might need to discuss with Mrs LB at some point.  Well done Mark, amazing achievement.

Have a great week all, next run on Wednesday....  Need to get up to 30 plus this week, a 7.5 mile start means that it is achievable!


Thursday, 4 August 2011

Thank You Thank You Thank You...

5.8 Miles (489.3Total)

Morning all

Despite a significant drop in temperature this morning it was still bloody humid, even the addition of some rain made little difference.  At least I didn't go out at noon as I did on Tuesday which was a massive mistake.  As a result even with a days rest my legs felt bloody heavy this morning.  Still that is 3 runs in 4 days since the comeback so not all bad.

The main purpose of today's blog is to say a big thanks to all those who very kindly donated to my Just Giving site.  I promise that despite the month off injured I will do everything I can to reach the 1,000 mile target for the year.  The donation site closed down on 31st July, including gift aids we raised nearly £6,200  for the Cri du Chat Syndrome Support group.  The charity is a very small one so every penny raised really makes a huge difference so thank you all so very much for all your generosity.  Here is a link to the blog written by my friends who have a daughter affected by the illness.

If you haven't donated but would still like to contribute please contact the charity directly.

A trip to the coast with the kids has been postponed owing to the weather so swimming then work is the order of the day for LB.  Whatever you are up to have a cracker.


Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Hot and Slow

5.5 Miles (483.5Total)

I have decided to make this blog a little more generic.  This will therefore enable me to blather on about anything really.  The most likely topics will include:

  • Running
  • Other keep fit stuff
  • Becoming less fat
  • Falling off the week day wagon regularly
  • My increasing leaning to left when it comes to politics ( I blame my Marxist wife)
  • Arsenal
  • Golf
  • Cricket
  • Cooking
  • Gigs and Music
  • Other 
I want to get more readers and page views so please do pass this on to all and sundry.  I realise that the topics above may not be everyone's cup of tea but bear with me, I will try my best honest.  The motivation is simple, rather than waste a portion of my day playing games on my iPhone or sitting on my arse watching the tele, I will waste it telling the world about the life of Lardy Boy.

I never understood why people blog, and I still don't to be honest but I hope to 'entertain' those who have donated so generously to the Cri du Chat Syndrome Support Group, and also those who just are interested in the life of an overweight self-employed 39 year old 'runner'...

I ran 5plus miles in the sun this morning, crap it was very tough.  Getting up to 1,000 miles by the end of the year is gonna be very tough.  Almost as tough as my weekday booze ban.  This will be broken no doubt as I am out with an old boss for dinner in town tonight.  Staying dry will not really happen.

Other bits and pieces for the day include:

People that write 'I am really sad', or 'I am really unhappy today' on Facebook without saying why.  Stop attention seeking and tell people what is wrong or just don't say anything at all!

On the subject of Facebook, I had a new 'friend' suggested to me this morning.  I share 3 mutual friends with her, but as far as I am aware none of the 3 know each other.  Is that a bit weird....? Anyway Chris Roddick meet Kathryn Caulfield meet Karen Claydon Hutton....

How can Harbajhan Singh not be able to bowl, but appears capable of smashing Swanny for a couple of Dorothy Dix's?  I really don't like him, as Athers said he could start an argument with the Dalai Lama!


FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @LardyBoy2011.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Monday, 1 August 2011

5 Months - Time for New Targets

8 Miles (487.8Total)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Over the last 6 weeks I have amassed a huge 20 miles!  On the face of it things have not been going well, so I am keen to realign my goals and get things started again.

July was almost an entire write off due to work and injury.  This morning though I got out for 4 miler to get August off to a good start.  Overall I need to run 500 miles in 5 months which I still believe is achievable but I need more than just a mileage target so have decided to set out on a total food, drink, and exercise overall in the spirit of endeavour and scientific discovery!!! 

As a result I will be starting a regime that I will track here and hopefully, with your support, abuse etc...  I can achieve the goals set out below

By 31st December I will:

- run 1,000 miles for 2011
- lose 2 stone in weight

I will run 4/5 times a week with some other exercise on the off days to help shift the weight.  Also there will be no weekday booze, no weekday bread, or cheese and no carbs after lunch.  Lots of water and healthy stuff to turn myself from Lardy Boy to not-quite-so Lardy Boy.

In early October I will find out if I am in the London Marathon for 2012 then of course the mileage will look after itself as the training kicks off.  Over August and September though I need to bank at least 175 miles.

I a delighted to say that I have reached the £5k target which I am very proud of.  I have kept the Just Giving site open for another month so if you want to chuck some more cash in then feel free!  The blog will carry on over the next few months, I know it is getting read quite a bit please forward on; the more people that read the blog then the more that Cri du Chat Syndrome will be promoted.

Cheers for now!