Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Hot and Slow

5.5 Miles (483.5Total)

I have decided to make this blog a little more generic.  This will therefore enable me to blather on about anything really.  The most likely topics will include:

  • Running
  • Other keep fit stuff
  • Becoming less fat
  • Falling off the week day wagon regularly
  • My increasing leaning to left when it comes to politics ( I blame my Marxist wife)
  • Arsenal
  • Golf
  • Cricket
  • Cooking
  • Gigs and Music
  • Other 
I want to get more readers and page views so please do pass this on to all and sundry.  I realise that the topics above may not be everyone's cup of tea but bear with me, I will try my best honest.  The motivation is simple, rather than waste a portion of my day playing games on my iPhone or sitting on my arse watching the tele, I will waste it telling the world about the life of Lardy Boy.

I never understood why people blog, and I still don't to be honest but I hope to 'entertain' those who have donated so generously to the Cri du Chat Syndrome Support Group, and also those who just are interested in the life of an overweight self-employed 39 year old 'runner'...

I ran 5plus miles in the sun this morning, crap it was very tough.  Getting up to 1,000 miles by the end of the year is gonna be very tough.  Almost as tough as my weekday booze ban.  This will be broken no doubt as I am out with an old boss for dinner in town tonight.  Staying dry will not really happen.

Other bits and pieces for the day include:

People that write 'I am really sad', or 'I am really unhappy today' on Facebook without saying why.  Stop attention seeking and tell people what is wrong or just don't say anything at all!

On the subject of Facebook, I had a new 'friend' suggested to me this morning.  I share 3 mutual friends with her, but as far as I am aware none of the 3 know each other.  Is that a bit weird....? Anyway Chris Roddick meet Kathryn Caulfield meet Karen Claydon Hutton....

How can Harbajhan Singh not be able to bowl, but appears capable of smashing Swanny for a couple of Dorothy Dix's?  I really don't like him, as Athers said he could start an argument with the Dalai Lama!


DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @LardyBoy2011.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

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