Well it has been a couple of weeks since the last blog so I thought I had better get an update out there.
Below there are 2 tables. The first is the full rankings in order of best mile time, the other is the 'official' Magic Mile leader board, with a list of those that have posted an improved time in February. If your name is not on this leader board and you have posted a faster mile time please just email me at magicmile@hotmail.co.uk or tweet me @LBMagicMile with your time and I will update it.
Also please remember that this is not a closed club, please make sure to spread the word and get our numbers increased. The more the merrier!
As for me the run streak is still going but I have been struggling with the old groin injury that has caused me problems all year. That said I set a new PB for 10K yesterday morning in a training run which was a bit of a surprise. Despite a load of booze on Saturday night and a Chinese takeaway I set out! After 2 miles I realised my pace was good and I was feeling strong. My old PB was 50:52 so I wanted at 49:xx quite badly.... Despite finishing in 50:23 I was swearing ALOT going up the final stretch to my house because the 49 was out of reach. Having said all that I am so pleased, I only broke an hour for 10k a few years ago, to be knocking on the door of a 49:xx is great.
Anyway please get those Magic Mile times in, and make sure to keep spreading the word!
LB's SUMMARY - 2012
Running - 98.2 miles (Yesterday 6.2 @08:07mm)
Run Streak - 21
Magic Mile Best - 6mins 49secs
Football Sessions - 5
Place | Twitter User | Current Magic Mile | Month Joined | Jan-12 | Improvment |
1 | dav3c | 06:37 | J | 07:42 | -14.1% |
2 | croxie04 | 07:03 | J | 07:50 | -10.0% |
3 | danrunning | 06:12 | J | 06:44 | -7.9% |
4 | joel_t34 | 07:20 | J | 07:54 | -7.2% |
5 | mrsbedders | 07:24 | J | 07:56 | -6.7% |
6 | jevon_76 | 08:08 | J | 08:38 | -5.8% |
7 | InzaghePR | 08:39 | J | 09:09 | -5.5% |
8 | nelsonsnose | 06:59 | J | 07:10 | -2.6% |
9 | Stoerminator | 06:33 | J | 06:40 | -1.8% |
10 | theramblingduck | 12:58 | J | 13:09 | -1.4% |
11 | rob_k | 06:03 | J | 06:08 | -1.4% |
12 | madebyelves | 07:39 | J | 07:45 | -1.3% |
13 | SamMarsh78 | 05:46 | J | 05:49 | -0.9% |
14 | nickmahoney | 06:10 | J | 06:11 | -0.3% |
Place | Twitter User | Current Magic Mile | Month Joined | Jan-12 | Improvment |
1 | bazzajog | 04:55 | J | 04:55 | 0.0% |
2 | sunbed16 | 04:58 | J | 04:58 | 0.0% |
3 | hannamator | 05:15 | J | 05:15 | 0.0% |
4 | runner786 | 05:38 | J | 05:38 | 0.0% |
5 | SamMarsh78 | 05:46 | J | 05:49 | -0.9% |
6 | mikew30 | 05:47 | J | 05:47 | 0.0% |
7 | mike_uobhc | 05:48 | J | 05:48 | 0.0% |
8 | TheBeerRunner | 05:48 | J | 05:48 | 0.0% |
9 | bones_145 | 05:50 | J | 05:50 | 0.0% |
10 | marvinleeryan | 05:50 | J | 05:50 | 0.0% |
11 | neil_mitchell | 06:03 | J | 06:03 | 0.0% |
12 | rob_k | 06:03 | J | 06:08 | -1.4% |
13 | sleepworkrun | 06:04 | J | 06:04 | 0.0% |
14 | MrFatChance | 06:07 | J | 06:07 | 0.0% |
15 | mrafletch | 06:10 | J | 06:10 | 0.0% |
16 | nickmahoney | 06:10 | J | 06:11 | -0.3% |
17 | mazymixer | 06:11 | J | 06:11 | 0.0% |
18 | DanMoby | 06:12 | J | 06:12 | 0.0% |
19 | danrunning | 06:12 | J | 06:44 | -7.9% |
20 | runrforlife | 06:14 | J | 06:14 | 0.0% |
21 | rossrunslondon | 06:19 | J | 06:19 | 0.0% |
22 | chrismarritt | 06:28 | J | 06:28 | 0.0% |
23 | marathonman217 | 06:30 | J | 06:30 | 0.0% |
24 | truckingrunner | 06:31 | J | 06:31 | 0.0% |
25 | robantonycope | 06:32 | J | 06:32 | 0.0% |
26 | Stoerminator | 06:33 | J | 06:40 | -1.8% |
27 | dav3c | 06:37 | J | 07:42 | -14.1% |
28 | m8dkn | 06:43 | J | 06:43 | 0.0% |
29 | liamconway | 06:44 | J | 06:44 | 0.0% |
30 | martinbown | 06:45 | J | 06:45 | 0.0% |
31 | jedirider | 06:49 | J | 06:49 | 0.0% |
32 | LardyBoy2011 | 06:49 | J | 06:49 | 0.0% |
33 | phillengthorn | 06:50 | J | 06:50 | 0.0% |
34 | Twiterlander | 06:53 | J | 06:53 | 0.0% |
35 | charlie2486 | 06:54 | J | 06:54 | 0.0% |
36 | nelsonsnose | 06:59 | J | 07:10 | -2.6% |
37 | EnigmaGirl81 | 07:00 | F | 07:00 | 0.0% |
38 | gordonmaw | 07:02 | J | 07:02 | 0.0% |
39 | naominf | 07:02 | J | 07:02 | 0.0% |
40 | croxie04 | 07:03 | J | 07:50 | -10.0% |
41 | marktownson | 07:04 | J | 07:04 | 0.0% |
42 | rosessions | 07:04 | J | 07:04 | 0.0% |
43 | cmmercer | 07:06 | J | 07:06 | 0.0% |
44 | richardbrooks73 | 07:08 | J | 07:08 | 0.0% |
45 | TIS_SI | 07:12 | J | 07:12 | 0.0% |
46 | treesausage | 07:13 | J | 07:13 | 0.0% |
47 | brook_grove | 07:15 | J | 07:15 | 0.0% |
48 | joel_t34 | 07:20 | J | 07:54 | -7.2% |
49 | shellmoby | 07:22 | J | 07:22 | 0.0% |
50 | mrsbedders | 07:24 | J | 07:56 | -6.7% |
51 | RuggedRadnage | 07:25 | J | 07:25 | 0.0% |
52 | gotmethere | 07:28 | J | 07:28 | 0.0% |
53 | ColinThird1969 | 07:29 | F | 07:29 | 0.0% |
54 | mikew30jnr (*) | 07:29 | J | 07:29 | 0.0% |
55 | _martyn_fisher | 07:30 | J | 07:30 | 0.0% |
56 | mikew30jnr2 (*) | 07:30 | J | 07:30 | 0.0% |
57 | hongkongpauly | 07:32 | J | 07:32 | 0.0% |
58 | JamesTurton | 07:39 | J | 07:39 | 0.0% |
59 | madebyelves | 07:39 | J | 07:45 | -1.3% |
60 | chanters11 | 07:45 | J | 07:45 | 0.0% |
61 | Neal O'Keefe | 07:49 | J | 07:49 | 0.0% |
62 | Ma7R1chardson | 07:51 | J | 07:51 | 0.0% |
63 | hollycall01 | 07:52 | J | 07:52 | 0.0% |
64 | hayleybryon | 07:54 | J | 07:54 | 0.0% |
65 | dunsrunner | 07:55 | J | 07:55 | 0.0% |
66 | kelcart1 | 07:55 | J | 07:55 | 0.0% |
67 | ajbrickner | 08:01 | J | 08:01 | 0.0% |
68 | chickendansak | 08:05 | J | 08:05 | 0.0% |
69 | Michael Hawkesford (*) | 08:05 | J | 08:05 | 0.0% |
70 | jevon_76 | 08:08 | J | 08:38 | -5.8% |
71 | runningdiary | 08:09 | J | 08:09 | 0.0% |
72 | JulieHawkesford | 08:15 | J | 08:15 | 0.0% |
73 | mel_bucks | 08:18 | J | 08:18 | 0.0% |
74 | orsii | 08:20 | J | 08:20 | 0.0% |
75 | sidowski | 08:20 | J | 08:20 | 0.0% |
76 | JoDavies (*) | 08:22 | J | 08:22 | 0.0% |
77 | Dr_Putter | 08:28 | J | 08:28 | 0.0% |
78 | olisloman | 08:33 | J | 08:33 | 0.0% |
79 | InzaghePR | 08:39 | J | 09:09 | -5.5% |
80 | malvernrunner | 08:42 | J | 08:42 | 0.0% |
81 | Lisa_Run | 08:48 | J | 08:48 | 0.0% |
82 | misshudson14 | 08:50 | J | 08:50 | 0.0% |
83 | mazymixerjnr (*) | 08:52 | J | 08:52 | 0.0% |
84 | Jo Turner (*) | 08:55 | J | 08:55 | 0.0% |
85 | kbbookkeeping | 08:55 | J | 08:55 | 0.0% |
86 | rhianonruns | 08:57 | J | 08:57 | 0.0% |
87 | natrasopheJane | 09:01 | J | 09:01 | 0.0% |
88 | nylonruns | 09:08 | J | 09:08 | 0.0% |
89 | TIS_SI_Chav (*) | 09:10 | J | 09:10 | 0.0% |
90 | TIS_SI_Citeh (*) | 09:10 | J | 09:10 | 0.0% |
91 | clairemcmullen | 09:21 | F | 09:21 | 0.0% |
92 | Liesel Botes (*) | 09:24 | J | 09:24 | 0.0% |
93 | longjogroz | 09:24 | J | 09:24 | 0.0% |
94 | SidneyHarber72 | 09:29 | J | 09:29 | 0.0% |
95 | sarahw30 | 09:34 | F | 09:34 | 0.0% |
96 | splodz | 09:35 | J | 09:35 | 0.0% |
97 | magskev01 | 09:40 | J | 09:40 | 0.0% |
98 | rogersgeotech | 09:44 | J | 09:44 | 0.0% |
99 | MellieMelC | 09:46 | J | 09:46 | 0.0% |
100 | CRUKWalton | 09:49 | J | 09:49 | 0.0% |
101 | pdjmachin | 09:52 | J | 09:52 | 0.0% |
102 | CathMarie | 09:59 | J | 09:59 | 0.0% |
103 | summergurl | 09:59 | J | 09:59 | 0.0% |
104 | Jools Gala (*) | 10:00 | J | 10:00 | 0.0% |
105 | Elly_Tatum | 10:05 | J | 10:05 | 0.0% |
106 | alexmitchell (*) | 10:07 | J | 10:07 | 0.0% |
107 | helenstothard | 10:09 | J | 10:09 | 0.0% |
108 | plumduff2 | 10:16 | J | 10:16 | 0.0% |
109 | npbown | 10:17 | J | 10:17 | 0.0% |
110 | darthbeeharbugs | 10:23 | J | 10:23 | 0.0% |
111 | futuretracy | 10:26 | J | 10:26 | 0.0% |
112 | lozzatron12 | 10:46 | J | 10:46 | 0.0% |
113 | Andy Bell (*) | 12:00 | J | 12:00 | 0.0% |
114 | theramblingduck | 12:58 | J | 13:09 | -1.4% |
115 | ruth_stoker | 13:26 | J | 13:26 | 0.0% |
116 | Jeannerobo | 13:30 | J | 13:30 | 0.0% |
117 | crammy76 | inj | J | inj | |
118 | josmith | inj | J | inj | |
119 | MrsJackabnory | inj | J | inj | |
120 | realmattcanning | inj | J | inj |
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