13.3 Miles (355.6 Total) - 2011 - 232.6 miles
120 Minutes (54 Hours 21 Minutes)
DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
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Afternoon all,
What a strange 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon I penciled in a 20 miler for Saturday morning. By the time I went to bed I thought I might go this morning instead, I then woke up in an odd mood. I decided therefore to can the morning run and tweeted as much. I then got a motivational kick up the arse by my old boss (from 20 years ago!). I am a very obedient person to work with (shut up anyone who has worked with me) and always listen to my bosses so thought I should get out today instead. A gap created in the diary meant that a late morning jaunt was planned.
The 20 miler was not going to happen, you can't just slap the trainers on and chime out a 3 hour run you know! I therefore decided to hit a half marathon and try to break my 20 year duck on a sub 2-hour half. My official half marathon time of 1hr 58mins has left me rather smug and happy. I don't think that there is a cat in hells chance that I can put 2 of these together on April 17th and do a sub 4hr marathon. I am planning on pasting my 2006 time of 4hrs 46mins though!
More on big race strategies the other day.
I got some nice feedback from people about my blog yesterday about top tips for the big day. I now have another couple to add:
15. If it's raining don't be shy to make like McEnroe and get a headband on. The sweaty rain that fell off the head and into my eyes was a bit unpleasant to say the least.
16. Don't put anything about vasoline in a blog and send it to your mates
The ankle update is quite positive. It is definitely on the mend although still a touch sore. I will need to look after it in the next 4 weeks.
My training plan for the next 7 days is very simple.
Monday at 5am I am planning on a 20+ mile run, armed with a gel that should apparently help with my wall issues (thanks Rose). The plan is to get as close to 3 hours as I can but not kill myself trying
Then nothing for the rest of the week because.....
Sunday 16 mile Kingston Breakfast Run, for a final race before the big day. Well I say I am running it but I have no race number yet so we will see. The plan is to break 2hrs 30 mins for that.
Then it is taper time, which in my language means sitting on my fat arse more. This is something I am good at!
Thanks again for the donations which keep coming in. I have upped the target to £4k, including gift aids we are now up to £3,400 which is fantastic. Thank you all very much, it means a lot!
Have a great weekend
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