Friday, 11 March 2011

T-38 - The Longest Lard

21 Miles (330.2 Total) - 2011 - 208 miles
200 Minutes (50 Hours 39 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Morning all

First things first, it appears to be a bit of folly writing about a fat bloke running around West London given what happened in Japan overnight.  However I will persevere....

Well what is there to say about the run this morning other than it was a bloody long way, and it took me a bloody long time.  I will not run further again until April 17th and I probably won't run further than this ever again to be honest!

For me once I reach 17 miles everything just goes a bit woo to be honest.  I find every step painful, I get bored and it really isn't fun at all.  That said up to 17 miles the run was superb fun. The weather was perfect, I set out at 5:30 so was treated to a brilliant dawn, there was very little wind, perfect running weather.  My route was the same as last week with an extra loop around Chiswick at the beginning to take the mileage up.  This led to some ridiculous mind games I played on myself.

The first 3 miles (around Chiswick) were treated as a mild warm up, the next 6 to get me to Kew Bridge having run around the whole of Kew Gardens considered the main warm up, then the river to Putney and back the main race.  To try to convince your body that after 9 miles you are only just starting is a little difficult but it does work to an extent.

The ankle was painful to start with however as last week when everything else starts to hurt then it subdues slightly.  Ice is being applied as I type.  I now need to rest for at least 3 days to manage the injury properly.

After 17 miles though was a different story.  I had ticked over at 9min 35 average up to this point and then it all became extremely painful.  Each step hurts, you think the run will never end, the pain is unbearable and the likelihood of barfing increases 100 fold.  All round a rather nasty last 4 miles took me back in to Chiswick and FINALLY home.

I can only hope that the excitement of the big day will negate all the crap and I will be left with a breezy run around London (yeah right).

The weekend now opens up with no runs until at least Tuesday.  Having to manage the injury is a little frustrating although as I sit here if I was told I couldn't run ever again I wouldn't be bothered to be honest!

I am now over 50 hours of running, please do donate if you can.  I will be sending out another update email to all and sundry today.  Anything you can do to spread the word would be hugely appreciated.

Have a great weekend

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