Thursday, 3 March 2011

T-45 - Physio Lard

0Miles (286.8 Total) - 2011 - 164.6 miles
0 Minutes (44 Hours 50 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Right then.  Nothing to write about run wise today, so no inane drivel from Lardy Boy about overtakes, bodily function malfunctions, or crap running.

This morning was the long overdue visit to the physio to try and sort out the ankle.  The physio was a good bloke but was annoying in the sense that he has run a 2hr 45min marathon despite having to 'stop a few times because I was cramping up'.  Honestly how do these people do that!?

Anyway after various poking prodding and agony the conclusion is something like medial ligament damage to my ankle.  Like a Grade 1 sprain or something.  If it reads as though I don't know what I am banging on about then you are very perceptive.  The good news is that he is focused on the important thing which is making sure I do the marathon and finish it.  The fact that this was his first point was very encouraging.  The bad news is that I am running (or not) out of time to rest and recover properly before the big day.

The plan is a simple one, focus on the big miles and reduce the number of runs a week.  This will help me get the mileage in my legs but give the time to ice, rest etc to keep the swelling down on the ankle and allow the following week's long run.

Now I am sure that nearly all of this is really not of great interest but I have to say this is going to be very difficult for me to do.  I have really been enjoying the running and fundraising.  Bloody hell I have changed!  I am being asked to do LESS but am UNHAPPY about it.  What the very arseing hell has happened to me!

Anyway so the plan is simple.  Rest til Saturday morning then do a long run.  I want to get to 18 miles, but the physio says aim for 12 and then see how you feel.  18 it is then!

Till then 


  1. 2.45hrs is nothing to be proud of if it was a half marathon! Don't worry big man, you'll be fine. He should have advised isotonic Stella rather than Lucozade. Its much better for ligament damage, but normally after you've finished a slab of it.

  2. Roomie,

    Funnily enough I am taking refuelling very seriously. 4 Nelsons are in the garden chilling as I type.... Hope your training is going well mate!
