Wednesday 10 October 2012

A Plan Hatched

I always feel a commitment to my blog is a bit of a contract.  When I started out at the beginning of 2011 with the 1,000 mile goal it helped knowing that I was blathering on about it on-line.  It felt like I had no choice!  So here goes....

Simply put a plan has been hatched.  I now have 3 goals set for the next 6 months.

1.       Sunday 9th December 2012 I will be attempting to run a 10k in less than 50 minutes
2.       Sunday 14th April 2013 I will attempting to run a marathon in less than 4 hours
3.       By Sunday 14th April I will have lost 2 stone in weight


Well not quite that simple but I have had an incredibly frustrating 2012 with a lot of injury problems.  This has provided devil on my shoulder with the ammunition it needed to make me put weight on this summer and lose my fitness overall.

The last couple of months have been better however, without clear goals, I am afraid that I will fail in any attempts to run faster or lose weight without the goals above in place. 

Any miles I run will, as ever be logged here, but EVERYTHING I do for the next 27 weeks is focused on the 3 targets above.

So what about my approach to each.  I will start at the end by cutting out beer at home, no booze during the week, no bread, no cheese, no biscuits... In fact my diet isn’t that bad but the booze and the fatty snacks are the killer for me.  Whilst building core strength to compliment the running, I hope that the diet will help me hit the weight goal I have of 13 ½ stone. (I know am a fat bastard now, I am not called Lardy Boy for nothing!)

So what about the running, well the first target is to shift some pounds and do a specific 8 week schedule that gets me race fit for a proper hit at a sub 50 minute 10k in Milton Keynes on December 9th.  I found this schedule on Runner’s World and the plan is laid out below:

2M warm up
8x400m with 3min recoveries
2M cool down
4-7M slow
30 mins Light Fartlek
2M easy
3x1M at 80%
3min recovery
2M easy
5M easy
2M warm up
6x600m with 3min recoveries
2M Warm Down
4-7M slow
30 mins steady hills
2M easy
3x1.5M at 80%
4min recovery
2M easy
6M easy
2M warm up
5x800m with 6min recoveries
2M cool down
4-8M slow
30 mins Fartlek
Warm Up
20 mins at 70%
20 ins at 90%
Cool Down
7M easy
2M easy
3x500m with
3min recoveries and 800 sets
2.M cool down
4-7 slow
20 mins Tempo
Warm Up
4x1M with
 4min recoveries
Cool Down
8M easy
2M easy
10x400m with
3min recoveries
2.M cool down
45 mins including hills
4M easy
Rugged Radnage 10k Race – no chance of PB here!
2M warm up
14x400m with 400m recoveries
2M cool down
20 mins Tempo
6-9 gradual with last 3 miles at 10K race pace
10M easy
2M warm up
3x1,200 m with 400m recoveries
2M cool down
4-7M slow
30 mins easy
2-4M easy with some strides
MK 10k Race

I feel bloody knackered just typing that lot out! And this is just the prep for a 10k!  I will share more about the marathon plan after the race in December but I have realised that in previous marathon training schedules I have done too much ‘going for a run’ runs which have either been too slow or too fast depending on what the targets are!  Anyway more on that to come.

i have just got through the 275 mile barrier for the year.  Bearing in mind I hardly ran for 6 months because of injury I guess that will have to do!

As ever please share this on Twitter if you can the more the merrier.  I will also make sure I keep the blog up to date because I have been crap at that too.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Just discovered your blog recently and am impressed by the plan! I've only been running for a few months and still have no idea what a Fartlek is! I'm delighted to read that you're doing the Milton Keynes 10K as I signed up for it the other week and on the event site it only had about 20 people entered at the time...

    Looking forward to reading more about how your training goes :)

    1. Cheers Lucy. Will let you know how the training goes! Pleased to read you are on the road to Brighton too. Good luck with it all. See you at the start line in MK in December! LB
