Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Days 27 & 28 - From Enid...

0 Miles (80.3 Total)
0 Minutes (12 Hours 28 Minutes)

DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates.

No running over the past couple of days, mainly work related.  Won't bore you with the detail.  Lardy Boy will return tomorrow with an early morning run in the cold as punishment.

However today is a very important blog because below you will find some words written for the blog by baby Enid's parents (Alex and Sarah).  All 3 of them are very important to me and my family, as they are great friends and the reason why I am running another marathon.   I will let their words speak for themselves, please do click the link above and donate, it is so important.


“I have some very bad news for you”, the Consultant began.  That was Christmas Eve 2009, and so began our journey with the Cri du Chat syndrome (CDC).

It’s a rare chromosome disorder, and as such the doctors couldn’t give us very much information.  We were given a print out of a Wikipedia page and told to expect moderate to severe learning difficulties.  And that was that.
Enid was just 10 days old and suddenly the world we had imagined for our baby girl was shattered.  I don’t think you realise how much you unconsciously plan and think about the life for your child until it’s all taken away.  Concerns about getting her in to the ‘good school’, wondering if she’d be good at sport or English, thinking what career she might want to follow.  Suddenly everything fell in to a pit of irrelevance and we were left wondering whether she had any sort of future at all.

After leaving hospital, the support we have received from the NHS has been great.  The trouble we have is the lack of syndrome-specific support available.  When we were given the diagnosis only one nurse on the Special Care unit had ever come in to contact with a CDC child, and that was when she was training 25 years ago.
This is where the CDC Syndrome Support Group has been invaluable.  As a starting point we could read information on their website and try to build up an idea of what the syndrome would mean to us in real terms.  They also have a clinical advisory group from whom, for example, we received child growth charts that we could use to see how Enid was growing compared to the norm for the syndrome.  Up until that point Enid was being compared on the standard child growth charts, on which she falls way below even the lowest percentile, leading to pressure from many health professionals.  At 11 months old she is only now just going in to clothes for 3 month olds.  

The most valuable thing for us offered by the CDC Support Group is the annual family weekend.  Attending for the first time this year gave us a chance to actually meet other families affected by the syndrome, to talk to them about their experiences, and to see the range of disabilities Enid might face.  We also heard talks from health professionals experienced in treating CDC children.  If nothing else, for one weekend of the year we got to feel like a normal family.

Fundraising for the CDC Support Group is vital to its running.  Being such a rare disorder there isn’t much awareness of the charity and its work, so funds each year are limited.  However unlike larger charities, all the funds raised for the charity go directly to the work of the group.  There are no big overheads, salaries and bonuses to pay, or TV advertising campaigns and such like.  The work of the charity and any funds raised go towards further research in to the syndrome, raising awareness of CDC with health professionals and the wider public, and supporting families affected by CDC. 

Enid is now coming on for a year old and I’d say we are still coming to terms with what it all means - for her, for us.  Seeing her peers advance further and further ahead is very difficult.   But equally when we compare her to many other children with difficulties we realise just how lucky we are.  She is able to use her hands, she smiles and laughs all the time, and is very gradually learning to sit up; things that many other parents of disabled children can only dream about.  We don’t know what the future holds, whether she’ll be able walk or to talk, will she ever achieve any degree of independence, so we try to focus on the now and making sure we give her every opportunity to be the best she can be, and we’ll worry about the what if’s and what might be’s tomorrow.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Day 26 - Demon Lard

10.1 Miles (80.3 Total)
91 Minutes (12 Hours 28 Minutes)

DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates.

First of all congratulations to AJW Brooks and Cristina Scavizzi on their correct guess of Permission to Land by The Darkness.  I am pleased to say that Scavvi wins by 12 hours though Brooks.  She wins a glass of wine to be purchased to LB in a pub sometime soon.....  Well done Scav.  Very easy one today, expecting a lot of correct answers.

Lots to do today(sitting on arse watching Arsenal lose 3rd game in 7 days and then England vs Jaapies)  so this will be brief.

Top run this morning, I don't have a lot to say about the run owing to the fact around half of it was completed in the dark.  It was FREEZING out there this morning, only saw half a dozen or so like minded idiots out there this morning on the tow-path.  The Oxford crews were out training this morning between Chiswick and Barnes Bridges.  Bloody hell can those boys shift.  Seriously impressive.

I was looking forward to running the second half of the run with the early morning sun on my back, however as soon as the sun came up it bloody well clouded over.  I am going to have to ask Santa for some warm running gear because running in shorts this morning was a big mistake.

Anyway first 10 mile plus run and in good time.  Time to go back out into the cold to watch Sam play football so have a great weekend!

Lots more lard to come next week.


Friday, 26 November 2010

Days 24 & 25 - Permission to Lard

6.3 Miles (70.2 Total)
60 Minutes (10 Hours 57 Minutes)

DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates.

Good morning one and all!

A lot to get through this morning and not a lot of time to do so....

I think I am turning into a runner.  I find this rather sad but there is no avoiding the facts:

  1. Having missed out due to work for a couple of days I actually was looking forward to going for a run, despite it being bollock-breakingly cold this morning.
  2. I was planning a 3 mile run but clearly went further (see above)
  3. I was genuinely pissed off with running 9 minute and 2 second per mile when I wanted to do 9 mins.  There are some mitigating circumstances however....

A few highlights from this morning's eventful run:

  • Close to my first fight after a bit of road rage from a pointless bell end in a neon Blue Beemer.  It was partly my fault(miss judged a road crossing) but turning round to chase down a bloke out for a run clearly shows what a jockey he was.
  • I overtook a fat bloke running (get in there!).  2 : 1 to Lardy Boy on the overtaking stakes.
  • Clocked up over 10 hours running now.  Get donating....  I am going to do this so get your credit cards out!
  • 70 miles run
  • Unbelievably a woman in a car flagged me down asking for directions for 'The Riverside Health Club'. Bearing in mind she stopped me next to the river and right next to a health club it was clear that she was doing quite well without me...
The quick minded (not many of you I know) will notice that recently I have been using album titles for my blog titles. Those that know me well know that music sits just below family, drinking, golf, cooking and eating in my specialist subjects. I will therefore provide a special Lardy surprise to the first person to correctly name the correct album name, and band on any given day.  Please provide answers in the comments section below.

Thanks very much to those who have tried to spread the word and provide me with feedback and suggestions for the blog.  I will look to bring some changes in the coming days.  For the record some of the suggestions will NOT be happening:
  • Putting a web-cam in my bed-room!  That is for my own private use, thanks.
  • Photos of me naked dripping in sweat and lard...  Some very odd people out there
  • Running in a Tottenham strip for charidy.  I am running a marathon for f*cks sakes, isn't that enough!?
10 miler ish tomorrow!  This has to be done due to likely Ashes watching, England versus the Jaapies, and getting on it tomorrow night.

Till then

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Day 23 - No Run Just Blog

Afternoon all,

No run today, will be back out on Friday as I am working again tomorrow.  I need your help with other matters.

Now that I have opened up this blog for comments I really need your help.  I am trying with a little (emphasis on the little) success to improve traffic to this blog.  I therefore need 2 things from you.

1.  Anyone who has a Twitter account that does not already follow me (@Rooster1972), please do and then send out to your friends etc to try and get more views to this blog and my training schedule etc.  Other methods of raising awareness are fine too.

As you know I am not one to do things by halves, I am either doing it or I am not!  As a result I want to get as many viewers of this blog as I can.  If I don't know them then frankly I don't give a monkeys arse.  I want to generate extra cash for Cri Du Chat by sponsoring the blog.  I can't really justify doing that with 100 views a day, I want 1000's! This brings me to the second point.

2.  I am happy just continuing to babble on about running, marathons and charidy here but what else do people think is a worthwhile addition to the blog?  Any serious suggestions welcome.

I have gone on a bit of a Twitter recruitment drive, which will hopefully have some successes, but your help is needed!


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Day 22 - Push the Tempo

3.1 Miles (63.9 Total)
27 Minutes (9 Hours 57 Minutes)

Afternoon all,

This morning was my first tempo run, basically running my arse off.  It hurt.  Worryingly my pace was at 3hr 50 marathon pace.  Given I want to run the marathon in 4 hours, I clearly have a LOT of work to do in the coming months, or more probably reset my expectations!  To be honest I think I was slowed down a bit by my dodgy hammy.  I am going to take the next couple of days as rest days due to work commitments.

Anyway, that said, I know people who have run marathons in 3hrs to 3hrs 30 mins and of course the elite guys can break 2hrs 10mins.  I find this completely staggering  .

I was too busy blowing through my backside to look around too much today, and I was also running down Chiswick High Road for a bit of my run.  The road was full complete idiots this morning plus I was also nearly run over by another bloody hybrid car.  These cars should have a bloody foghorn attached to them that goes off continually.  The drivers might be eco-warriors saving the planet but to be honest I am more interested in me not getting killed.

As a complete aside I have changed the settings on the blog so that it doesn't look like I have written it in the middle of the night and also it will enable all readers to comment.  You have to click the drop down box marked anonymous.  It goes without saying that if you wish to be known to the author you need to put your name in your comment.  This may seem obvious but some of my friends are a little....special.

Current plan is for a run on Friday and then the monster 10 miler on Saturday.

Till then

Monday, 22 November 2010

Days 20 & 21 - Pills, Thrills and Hamstring Pulls

6.2 Miles (60.8 Total)
57 Minutes (9 Hours 30 Minutes)

Afternoon all

Not the greatest running experience in my life this morning.  Although some positive post shower thoughts coupled with leftover Apple & Pear Crumble seem to be lightening the mood slightly.

The first half of the run felt incredibly difficult with rather heavy legs, and while the second half of the run was a little better, I have to say I felt like crap today.  I have tweaked a hamstring also I think so have piled down some Ibuprofen and will stretch the little bugger out for the rest of the day.

Anyway onto the positives which include banking a 6 miler at the beginning of the week and in an all right time also.  Also the money keeps rolling in.  It is so nice that people have felt happy to donate cash so far in advance of the event itself, this serves to motivate me on the training so thanks to those who have parted with their cash so far.  Another positive is that I am getting 70+ views each day, please keep reading.  If you know that there is a mutual friend that hasn't got the link to the blog, please send onto them please!  The more the merrier.

I will attempt a 3 mile run and a session of Bikram Yoga tomorrow morning which could provide some amusement for you all.

Lots on today so that's all for now.


Saturday, 20 November 2010

Days 18 & 19 - Eat Mud Old 'Man'

8.1 Miles (54.6 Total)
76 Minutes (8 Hours 33 Minutes)

Morning all,

The 50 mile barrier broken this morning.  Bloody difficult run too.  I was woken up 3 times in the night by HRH Annabella Jane, finally getting up at 6.30 with a raging hangover.  Now this in itself is no big surprise however I drank 1 can of 1664 last night and drove.  Therefore I think the hangover was a little unfair.

Anyway LB got up and out there and did the same run as last Saturday but 3 mins-ish quicker which was a pleasant surprise.

The main thing of note this morning was my first overtaking manoeuvre so far.  I had my eye on this athletic looking bloke from about half a mile away as I trudged towards him.  As I overtook I looked across and said a cheery hello to be struck by 2 main things.  He was potentially a she, I really still have no idea.  The other thing was that 'it' was at least 10 years older than LB.  Still an overtake is an overtake.

Therefore overtake score is LB 1 : Other Runners 1.

Goals for next week are 3 runs during the week, (between 3 and 5 miles), 1 session of Bikram and then a 10 miler next Saturday.....

Busy busy this weekend so that is all for now.


Thursday, 18 November 2010

Days 15 - 17 - Lardy's Back!

4.3 Miles (46.5 Total)
38 Minutes (7 Hours 17 Minutes)

Morning all.  A work and child enforced 2 day lay off meant that a good cob-web blowing run was required, and Lardy Boy delivered!

A nice run round sunny Chiswick in good time (8mins 47 per mile) well it's good for me....  

Some more posts with blog suggestions is what is now requested from my loyal readership.  What information would you like me to provide for you to get fair value for your donations?  Please remember that my mother reads this blog as well as my son so try to keep it relatively clean please....  I know for some of you this will be a challenge so if you just want to keep abusing me then that is fine too.  Also what other sponsorship activity would you like the Lardy one to partake in?

Tomorrow's plan is a bit of Bikram Yoga then a long run on Saturday morning.   With Mrs R delivering her very own brand to magic to the Emerald Isle today and tomorrow, I will also be running around after 2 kids on my own.  That in itself is enough exercise.

So far I am really pleased to say I am up to £580 for Cri du Chat.  My current target is £3k but I would love to get to £5k by April so please keep digging deep, all the cash is going to a really great cause.

That's all for now,

Monday, 15 November 2010

Days 13 & 14 - Getting Better....

6.2 Miles (42.2 Total)
58 Minutes (6 Hours 39 Minutes)

Sunday is a day of rest.  Not running or yoga.  Sadly for LB it meant driving around the Home Counties, collecting kids, ferrying them back to West London, feeding them etc.  In short I didn't exercise yesterday. 

The good news however is I was back out there this morning.  Not as early as I would have hoped as my alarm clock (Annabella) decided to sleep in till 7.  This meant that I did not run until 11am this morning.  The main effect of this is I felt very lethargic to start with, and also had a lot more nutters in cars to avoid as I trudged down to the river.

Once I got to the river at Barnes however things picked up nicely, with the second half of the run a full 4 minutes quicker than the first.  Although there are no hills around the Thames it is very difficult not to run along it as it is so gorgeous down there.  I might cycle to Richmond Park before Christmas and run around there.  I think that is a 7 mile run and for those that don't know, bloody hilly.

The next thing on the agenda for LB is deciding which races to run before the big day in April, then get myself entered into them.  Any recommendations are of course welcome.

A big thanks to those who have sponsored me so far & a slightly sarcastic thanks to Messrs Hancock and McCarthy for such encouraging comments.  I appreciate that the lion analogy was a bit shit but I don't need grief from you 2 'geniuses' 

Till tomorrow

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Day 12 - Muddy Mornings

8.2 Miles (36 Total)
78 Minutes (5 Hours 41 Minutes)

Morning all.  First proper long run this morning.  For those who know the geography, home to the 'Smiff then 'Smiff Bridge to Kew Bridge on the south tow-path then back home via Chiswick High Road.

I am particularly pleased about this morning's run due in part to self inflicted 'poor preparation':

  • Several pints of London Pride
  • Fish & Chips
  • Lack of proper rehydration
This coupled with a VERY muddy tow-path (high tide and lots of rain yesterday) meant that progress was rather tricky.  In addition the rest of Saturday involves, getting rid of the kids (cheers mum!), going to the pub for lunch, watching England vs Aussies, then going to a 40th Birthday party.  I think therefore getting a good run banked early in the weekend is rather necessary.

In other news thank you to the 10 or so hilarious people who spotted that taking the 'r' out of Lardy Boy perhaps better describes the author.  I really am in awe of your clever word play......

Likely rest day tomorrow.

Til then

Friday, 12 November 2010

Day 10 & 11 - Run Forest Run

3.2 Miles (27.8 Total)
29 Minutes (263 Minutes)

Morning all,

Rest day yesterday and a little 3 miler this morning (all be it quite quick for a big fella).   Although aiming for 9 minute miles and doing exactly 9 mins and 2 second miles left the quite competitive Lardy Boy rather vexed.

My initial plan for today was to do another session of Bikram Yoga.  It says something that I was so desperate not to do 2 sessions of that in a week that I was prepared to head out into the dark, cold and very windy morning for a run instead.

The main good news of the day is that if you note the cumulative mileage at the top of this blog, you will realise that I have completed a marathon.  The main bad news is that it has taken me 11 days rather than the planned 4 hours....ish.

A rather surreal moment happened as I trudged Forest Gump-like down Chiswick High Road this morning as I heard applause from across the street.  Assuming this was not for LB I looked anyway to find a rather dashing well-wrapped up American watching in awe and giving me the respect I clearly deserved at 7 in the morning.  Thank you Derek Carpenter.....!

This morning I am going on a blog recruitment drive.  After Facebooking this blog and emailing to some lucky individuals, I have now decided to go for full blog launch.  Hopefully this will increase traffic, increase the pressure on me to keep running, and also provide me with ideas with what to do with the blog to stop it becoming rather repetitive.  If anyone has any ideas that would like to share with me please get in touch.

In the coming weeks we will hear a bit more about the charity I am running for and the impact that raising a CDC baby/child has on a family.  This coupled with my running and my highly enlightening blogs will hopefully encourage some of you to part with some hard earned cash too....

This weekend sees the mileage start to ramp up with an 8 mile run planned.  Until then.


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Day 8 & 9 - How Cold?!

5.0 Miles (24.6 Total)
47 Minutes (234 Minutes)

A tip-top run this morning, leaving in the dark and arriving home with a gorgeous sunrise to look at.  On the flip side it was bloody freezing, the kind of cold that burns your lungs.  It was nice to be running again this morning after my yoga experience yesterday (more in a moment), I must say it paid off.  Each mile progressively quicker than the last with a cheeky 8:40 last mile.  The same run as Saturday but a full 2 minutes faster.

The main point of note this morning is that I am going to have to mix up where I run a bit, otherwise this blog will become even more boring than it already is.  The main difference between this morning and last Saturday is a significant amount of tow-path runner traffic.  I must say what a grumpy bunch run down there, all focused, sad and lonely.  Barely able to raise a 'morning' as LB cheerfully greeted them as he ran.  Also it was the first time in my training that I was overtaken by anybody (mainly because there are so few people out clearly).  A funny thing happens when you get overtaken, a small sad and frankly pathetic part of your personality gets all hurt and bruised.  As a result you decide to 'keep up' with them.  After 2 minutes of puffing behind the clearly much fitter bloke in front of me I backed down like a beaten lion losing control  of his pride.  Mind you I doubt he even knew I was following him judging by the amount of noise coming from his iPod!

Anyway to yesterdays Bikram Yoga.  First things first, I am pleased to report that there were at least 5 other blokes in the 30 person or so class.  Secondly I am also pleased to report that I completed the session (i.e. stayed in the 100F room for 90 minutes) and at least tried all the postures.  Thirdly I can say that I quite enjoyed it and in fact definitely helped my run this morning.

Lots of work on today so must dash, please remember to sponsor me and also look at the Cri du Chat information site for more information.


Monday, 8 November 2010

Day 7 - Stormy Weather

3.1 Miles (19.6 Total)
29 Minutes (187 Minutes)
Weight Lost: 3lbs

After 2 good runs over the weekend this morning was crap really.  OK, the time was ok and I managed to run my last mile quite quickly (8 mins 20 secs) but it was all a bit depressing out there this morning.

Having been awake since 5:30 thanks to my darling daughter, I dragged my arse out of the front door at 6:30 to be met by a scene from the end of time.  It was pissing down, howling a gale & dark.  The main surprise of the morning was that I didn't just turn around go back in and turn the kettle on.  However your hero continued out into the darkness. I trudged along the rain soaked pavements of Chiswick dodging grumpy people with brolleys the  size of a small county, twatty bus drivers deliberately driving through puddles trying to soak LB.  In short a very different experience in the Derbyshire Peak District yesterday.

Still, I survived.

Tomorrow proves to be amusing as I take part in a session of Bikram Yoga with Mrs R.  As mentioned last week I plan to do a session of this once a week to soothe my aching muscles and eradicate any sense of masculinity that may remain.

As a result feel free to visit my Just Giving site and part with your cash!


Sunday, 7 November 2010

Day 6 Not Grim up North

5 Miles (16.5 Total)
48 Minutes (158 Minutes)

Well after some lethargy at the back end of last week, LB has returned to form this weekend. Even a trip to Derbyshire to drink too much and eat handsomely couldn't keep the trainers off this morning. It is anything but grim here this morning. Ball-breakingly cold? Yes. Grim? Absolutely not.

So I swapped burned-out cars for cows, smoggy A roads for sweeping back roads, and running on my own for having a companion on a bike (cheers to Mr David Hancock). In short swapping West London for the Derbyshire Peak District was very pleasant indeed.

The only downside but good for the training was the introduction of hills. Now, I hate hills. Even downhill hurts. However I don't particularly like being beaten so pleased to say that no walking too place this morning. My reward is simple. A fry up being prepared as I type followed by a trip back south with 2 moaning kids. Joy.


Saturday, 6 November 2010

Day 5 - The Return of the Lard

5 Miles (11.5 Total)
49 Minutes (110 Minutes)

A reduced number of views yesterday (I am obsessed with being popular) I think was thoroughly deserved, given the fact that this is a runner's blog and no running had taken place for 2 days.

However at 7am Lardy Boy was back, out on the roads, and running along Tamesis.  It is the first time in ages that I had run along the river in London and I have missed it to be honest.  First thing in the morning it is simply a wonderful place to be.  With only rowers, cyclists (and a jumbo jet every minute) for company it is very peaceful.  As I have mentioned before writing this blog is helping to foget how far I have run and how far I have to go (negative thoughts both).  Instead of navel gazing I am actually looking at things around me.  I must say this is bearing fruit with the following things noticed/spotted this morning.

The stretch of river between Chiswick and Kew Bridge is gorgeous.  Exceptions include:
  • the National Archives Office
  • a bloke bollock-naked drinking a cup of tea on his penthouse, all I will say is that it was a bit cold this morning......
  • the foul stench coming from the water treatment plant
Now I won't lie, running 5 miles for the first time in nearly 2 years, was not easy.  However arriving back at Ross Towers sweating like Wayne Rooney reading The News of the World I had a warm glow of achievement as well as a nice hot cup of coffee handed to me by Mrs R (you are fab).

Finally as I actually did something today I feel it is only right that I remind you that I am doing all of this for charity.  The Cri du Chat Syndrome Support Group are always looking for funding, every penny makes a difference so please visit http://www.justgiving.com/Jamie-Ross and make a donation if you can please.

Have a great weekend

Friday, 5 November 2010

Days 3 & 4 - A False Start?

Evening all.

Right, I haven't been for a run today and I didn't yesterday. For very different reasons:

Work, Mrs R being away in Dublin working, children commitments, being awake from 2.30am for some reason and therefore very tired

Man-flu and laziness really.

Before the self-righteous among you howl on about 'a lack of application' lets look at the facts. By the way 'A lack of application' was a fairly frequent phrase used on school reports in the mid-80s apparently.

My only target this side of Christmas is to be able to run for an hour in a 'comfortable' manner. (i.e. not die).   As a result this blog and my running will become much more buoyant in 2011.  That said do not let my seeming lack of progress stop you from any abuse or other motivational tactics that you deem fit, a smattering of that has already been delivered in person and on FB already.

On a lighter note it's Friday and I have a weekend of run, get drunk, eat,&  run so maybe something more interesting to read on Sunday.

Until then enjoy those fireworks (smug as I went in the dry last night and it's pissing down in London this evening) and have a great weekend.


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Day 2 - 49 Views....!

3.2 Miles (6.5 Total)
29 Minutes (61 Minutes)

Noticed that I had 49 views (only 3 from me) so a good start.  However I only have 1 follower (thanks Karen) and 1 comment (Jerome, I only promise not to smoke till after the Marathon, I'm off them currently!)

A similar run to yesterday, very busy today so will keep this short and sweet re today's run.

  • I actually ran 2 days in a row
  • Saw Justin Hawkins from The Darkness (or a bloody good look-a-like) in Chiswick
  • Realised that thinking about a blog helps you to forget about the run itself
  • Thought of 2 new business ideas whilst running
  • Forgot 1 of the business ideas by the time I got home
  • Spotted then chatted to Mrs Ross in Chiswick, this was good clearly but definitely slowed progress post chat
  • Being overtaken by a 4 year old on a scooter

Till tomorrow

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

165 Days to Go

3.3 Miles (3.3 Total)
32 Minutes (32 Minutes)
15st 4lb (Ahem....!)

Nice jog to start, don't want to over do it now do I.....

In 2006 I ran the London Marathon in 4hrs:45mins.  When I trained for it, I became a bit of a bore (I know).  It became all consuming and as a result I talked and thought about little else.  I am hopeful that by writing a blog this time will enable those that are interested to enjoy my pain and those that aren't will not have to listen to my witterings.

I will make the blogs short, sweet, light-hearted and truthful but I would like to indulge myself a little with this first one, if you don't mind.

I realise that most people reading this will know me but who know I might get a cult-following (!).  I am 38 years old, very happily married with 2 lovely kids.  I like a drink.  I like to cook (and eat).  I am not thin (not too lardy though....).  I am a keen golfer, retired footballer.  I am a former corporate citizen who recently set out on the road of self-employment (and is loving it),  I am not out of shape nor very fit.  In short I am Billy-Average!  As a former member of a long-distance cycling trio (you know who you are) sometimes ordinary people can do extra-ordinary things!  Therefore it is time to put the trainers back on

Daily updates from myself as to how far I have run and how slowly (see above) with a running total in brackets.  In addition I will provide those significantly thinner that me the joy of realising what a lard arse I am by publishing weight updates now and then.  I plan on running 5 days a week with 1 session of yoga (I know, hilarious) and 1 rest day each week.  Over the weeks the mileage will ramp up as the mornings get darker, my language more fruity and the blog more of an addiction (for me at least)

I never thought I could run it once let alone consider doing it again.  I was always really impressed when people told me they had run a marathon so thought I would have a crack.

Along the way I will keep you updated on my fund-raising exploits.  I am running this time for the Cri Du Chat Syndrome Support Group (http://www.criduchat.org.uk/).  As you will read on the website this is a relatively rare chromosome disorder that sadly affected great friends of mine who had a daughter with the illness last year. She is doing well but in the coming months and years, she and her parents will rely on the support group.  So I want to raise as much cash as I can for them! As with many smaller charities fund-raising is always the major issue, having managed to get into the Marathon via the ballot I am able to donate 100% of any funds raised to them.  To make a donation please click the link below:

Any donations received will be much appreciated.  I recognise that not all people are happy donating on-line so if you would rather drop me cash or a cheque drop me an email.  Also whilst the start line is a long way away the earlier you give the more 'value' you will get in the coming weeks!

I will be badgering friends on Facebook, Twitter etc about the blog in the hope that I will get lots of comments on the blog to provide me with abuse and inspiration for the months ahead.

My postings will be significantly shorter on a daily basis, I promise, with the odd rant.

Lardy Boy (LB)