Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Day 8 & 9 - How Cold?!

5.0 Miles (24.6 Total)
47 Minutes (234 Minutes)

A tip-top run this morning, leaving in the dark and arriving home with a gorgeous sunrise to look at.  On the flip side it was bloody freezing, the kind of cold that burns your lungs.  It was nice to be running again this morning after my yoga experience yesterday (more in a moment), I must say it paid off.  Each mile progressively quicker than the last with a cheeky 8:40 last mile.  The same run as Saturday but a full 2 minutes faster.

The main point of note this morning is that I am going to have to mix up where I run a bit, otherwise this blog will become even more boring than it already is.  The main difference between this morning and last Saturday is a significant amount of tow-path runner traffic.  I must say what a grumpy bunch run down there, all focused, sad and lonely.  Barely able to raise a 'morning' as LB cheerfully greeted them as he ran.  Also it was the first time in my training that I was overtaken by anybody (mainly because there are so few people out clearly).  A funny thing happens when you get overtaken, a small sad and frankly pathetic part of your personality gets all hurt and bruised.  As a result you decide to 'keep up' with them.  After 2 minutes of puffing behind the clearly much fitter bloke in front of me I backed down like a beaten lion losing control  of his pride.  Mind you I doubt he even knew I was following him judging by the amount of noise coming from his iPod!

Anyway to yesterdays Bikram Yoga.  First things first, I am pleased to report that there were at least 5 other blokes in the 30 person or so class.  Secondly I am also pleased to report that I completed the session (i.e. stayed in the 100F room for 90 minutes) and at least tried all the postures.  Thirdly I can say that I quite enjoyed it and in fact definitely helped my run this morning.

Lots of work on today so must dash, please remember to sponsor me and also look at the Cri du Chat information site for more information.



  1. "I backed down like a beaten lion losing control of his pride"

    What are you effing on about!?!?!?

  2. Should have finished 6th form with comments like that.

  3. Thanks for your continued support David. It means a lot. Thanks also for your kind donation.... oh wait a minute.

    Macca, at least I decided 6th Form wasn't for me after 1 year rather than faffing about taking 3 years to get some A-Levels....

