Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Day 23 - No Run Just Blog

Afternoon all,

No run today, will be back out on Friday as I am working again tomorrow.  I need your help with other matters.

Now that I have opened up this blog for comments I really need your help.  I am trying with a little (emphasis on the little) success to improve traffic to this blog.  I therefore need 2 things from you.

1.  Anyone who has a Twitter account that does not already follow me (@Rooster1972), please do and then send out to your friends etc to try and get more views to this blog and my training schedule etc.  Other methods of raising awareness are fine too.

As you know I am not one to do things by halves, I am either doing it or I am not!  As a result I want to get as many viewers of this blog as I can.  If I don't know them then frankly I don't give a monkeys arse.  I want to generate extra cash for Cri Du Chat by sponsoring the blog.  I can't really justify doing that with 100 views a day, I want 1000's! This brings me to the second point.

2.  I am happy just continuing to babble on about running, marathons and charidy here but what else do people think is a worthwhile addition to the blog?  Any serious suggestions welcome.

I have gone on a bit of a Twitter recruitment drive, which will hopefully have some successes, but your help is needed!



  1. Pictures of you naked, post run, dripping in sweat/lard.......

  2. You could make a film about a fat bloke who decides to run the london marathon, then post it to here?

  3. put a webcam in your bedroom

  4. I already have a webcam in my bedroom....

  5. "Serious suggestions welcome you say" ... well not really its your blog you gotta write what you want to write.

    A less serious suggestion to increase traffic is drop the "r" from Lardy.
