Friday, 5 November 2010

Days 3 & 4 - A False Start?

Evening all.

Right, I haven't been for a run today and I didn't yesterday. For very different reasons:

Work, Mrs R being away in Dublin working, children commitments, being awake from 2.30am for some reason and therefore very tired

Man-flu and laziness really.

Before the self-righteous among you howl on about 'a lack of application' lets look at the facts. By the way 'A lack of application' was a fairly frequent phrase used on school reports in the mid-80s apparently.

My only target this side of Christmas is to be able to run for an hour in a 'comfortable' manner. (i.e. not die).   As a result this blog and my running will become much more buoyant in 2011.  That said do not let my seeming lack of progress stop you from any abuse or other motivational tactics that you deem fit, a smattering of that has already been delivered in person and on FB already.

On a lighter note it's Friday and I have a weekend of run, get drunk, eat,&  run so maybe something more interesting to read on Sunday.

Until then enjoy those fireworks (smug as I went in the dry last night and it's pissing down in London this evening) and have a great weekend.


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