Monday, 31 January 2011

T-76 - 200 Mile Lard

8.3 Miles (205.3 Total)
76 Minutes (31 Hours 58 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

A brief blog about a great run.  3-1 on overtakes for 14-12 overall for Lardy Boy tells its own story.  After a rest day following Saturday's half marathon and the legs felt very good.  With only loads of yummy mummies for company I headed from my little girl's nursery to the river at Kew and then towpath to Hammersmith Bridge then home.  

It is great to finish January so well after the crap start to the year, and 85 miles run in pretty much 20 days after my chest infection.

The pace was great too at 4 hour marathon pace.  I think that running at this speed for 26 miles is way beyond my expectations but I will keep trying!

Another positive response to the Enid blog from yesterday, please do read it so that you understand why I am going mad living and breathing the London Marathon.

After dossing around this morning I have work to do this afternoon so have a great Monday.  I want to bank more than 40 miles this week so I am planning a 6 mile run tomorrow.

Until then

Sunday, 30 January 2011

T-77 - From Enid

0.0 Miles (197.0 Total)
0 Minutes (30 Hours 42 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Rest day for me today after yesterday's half marathon heroics!  I am pleased that the blog that I have re-posted below is my most read blog (250 hits and counting).  I therefore thought that with my training reaching its halfway point now is the right time to repost.  As much as I wish that Enid did not suffer from CdC, I am very honoured to be running on her behalf.  I am also humbled by the £1,800 raised so far.  That said I really am desperate to reach at least £3k so please donate if you can.  To those who have already donated, many thanks but your work is not finished.  Keep reading the blog it makes a huge difference to my running experience knowing others are (even remotely) interested in an overweight 39 year old running a marathon!


“I have some very bad news for you”, the Consultant began.  That was Christmas Eve 2009, and so began our journey with the Cri du Chat syndrome (CDC).

It’s a rare chromosome disorder, and as such the doctors couldn’t give us very much information.  We were given a print out of a Wikipedia page and told to expect moderate to severe learning difficulties.  And that was that.
Enid was just 10 days old and suddenly the world we had imagined for our baby girl was shattered.  I don’t think you realise how much you unconsciously plan and think about the life for your child until it’s all taken away.  Concerns about getting her in to the ‘good school’, wondering if she’d be good at sport or English, thinking what career she might want to follow.  Suddenly everything fell in to a pit of irrelevance and we were left wondering whether she had any sort of future at all.

After leaving hospital, the support we have received from the NHS has been great.  The trouble we have is the lack of syndrome-specific support available.  When we were given the diagnosis only one nurse on the Special Care unit had ever come in to contact with a CDC child, and that was when she was training 25 years ago.
This is where the CDC Syndrome Support Group has been invaluable.  As a starting point we could read information on their website and try to build up an idea of what the syndrome would mean to us in real terms.  They also have a clinical advisory group from whom, for example, we received child growth charts that we could use to see how Enid was growing compared to the norm for the syndrome.  Up until that point Enid was being compared on the standard child growth charts, on which she falls way below even the lowest percentile, leading to pressure from many health professionals.  At 11 months old she is only now just going in to clothes for 3 month olds.  

The most valuable thing for us offered by the CDC Support Group is the annual family weekend.  Attending for the first time this year gave us a chance to actually meet other families affected by the syndrome, to talk to them about their experiences, and to see the range of disabilities Enid might face.  We also heard talks from health professionals experienced in treating CDC children.  If nothing else, for one weekend of the year we got to feel like a normal family.

Fundraising for the CDC Support Group is vital to its running. Being such a rare disorder there isn’t much awareness of the charity and its work, so funds each year are limited.  However unlike larger charities, all the funds raised for the charity go directly to the work of the group.  There are no big overheads, salaries and bonuses to pay, or TV advertising campaigns and such like.  The work of the charity and any funds raised go towards further research in to the syndrome, raising awareness of CDC with health professionals and the wider public, and supporting families affected by CDC. 

Enid is now coming on for a year old and I’d say we are still coming to terms with what it all means - for her, for us.  Seeing her peers advance further and further ahead is very difficult.   But equally when we compare her to many other children with difficulties we realise just how lucky we are.  She is able to use her hands, she smiles and laughs all the time, and is very gradually learning to sit up; things that many other parents of disabled children can only dream about.  We don’t know what the future holds, whether she’ll be able walk or to talk, will she ever achieve any degree of independence, so we try to focus on the now and making sure we give her every opportunity to be the best she can be, and we’ll worry about the what if’s and what might be’s tomorrow.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

T-78 - Half Lard

13.5 Miles (197.0 Total)
129 Minutes (30 Hours 42 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Good morning all

A much more satisfactory long run this morning after last weeks wheezathon.  It was also the first time that the half marathon barrier was broken in training.  Whilst I am still a good 5 mins off 2 hour half marathon place I think now that it is possible rather than a million miles away!

I am pretty pleased overall owing to the fact that I went out at 6.30 this morning and it was seriously dark and even more seriously cold.  Holy crap it was cold, the wind cut you in half!  I went down to the river at Barnes, north bank to Putney then south bank all the way back to Kew and back to Lard Towers.

After a jog for 30 mins for the first 3 miles I then managed most of the rest of the run at 9min 20 pace which is spot on.  Happy Days.

4:2 to the opposition this morning on overtakes so 11 each now, including someone I know.  She weighs about 8 stone soaked through I imagine and a seriously good runner.  She kindly 'stopped' for a quick chat before she breezed off into the sunrise.  How do people run that fast for so long?  I know I am not exactly the perfect erm 'build' for long distance running but blimey, I felt so bloody slow!

The trip to Whistable has been postponed owing to my brother-in-law being a total apple and breaking his foot at the gym.  However the kids are being packed off to Granny's (cheers mum) so LB and the missus are going up town for lunch at LiveBait.  According to RunKeeper I burned 2,200 calories this morning.  I am going to attempt to rebalance things in a very short space of time with seafood and white wine.  Bring it on!

Have a great weekend, rest day tomorrow then more running starts Monday.


Friday, 28 January 2011

T-79 - Toe The Line Lardy Boy

2.3 Miles (183.5 Total)
22 Minutes (28 Hours 33 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

No records were broken in the making of this morning's Lardy Blog but it was a very pleasant little run all the same.  You see, today is Mrs LB's birthday.  I will not mention her age because she is rather touchy on the subject however I did go for a light jog with her this morning.  Very nice it was too.

I didn't run yesterday in the end.  I was up in town in the morning for work then back in Chiswick for work.  However I (try not to laugh) hurt my toe playing footie on Wednesday and decided that rest was the best cure.  Now it might all sound a bit Dale Winton but a dodgy big toe for a runner with, how should I say, a heavy impact (!) is a bit of a pain.  This morning's little jog was perfect though and I am now all up for a long run tomorrow very early.

It was nice to play football on Wednesday night, some of the old magic was clearly still there.  This was also sadly on view alongside some rather dodgy first touches and coughing / spluttering.  It was good fun though and will become a regular bi-weekly event in the coming weeks.  Also to be added to the regular work outs is a weekly visit to Chiswick Boot Camp on Tuesday mornings at 6.30 am....  Rose, I will be there from Tuesday 8th Feb!  For any locals visit this site and give Rose a call.  She is loud but lovely!  I went last summer and had a blast, I am looking forward to doing this again in the coming weeks.

Apart from the football and boot camps, it is run run run!  I am entered into the Watford Half Marathon on Sunday 6th February and am 80% certain I will run it.  The only issue is that I might prefer to do my long run on the Saturday morning instead but I will see how I go next week!

Anyway that is all for now, have a tip top Friday and blog tomorrow!


Tuesday, 25 January 2011

T-82 - The Early Lard Catches the Rowers

7.4 Miles (181.2 Total)
70 Minutes (28 Hours 11 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Up with the wierdos and other early runners this morning.  Down to the 'Smiff then north bank back to Kew Bridge and home.  A bit of a tough start this morning after my 2 days of previous runs so the first 2 miles were quite lethargic.  Once I got going though I managed to chug along at 9min 30 pace with a cheeky 8min 50 last mile so there was at least something left in the tank.

Totally mis-timed my run though as it was pitch black for most of it.  I had quite a lot of company though with the other runners and the rowers out.  Quite what makes someone get out of bed to row in a river in the dark is beyond me!  Such dedication is something I don't think I could manage.  Running is back enough but to rock up at the river, sort a boat out, go for a warm up then head out on the river all before 7am seems nut to me.  Still takes all sorts I suppose.

New Year's Resolution Update
I made 3 resolutions.

1.  Marathon Training.  Stick to the schedule, no excuses.  Apart from the chest infection I am doing that. WIN!
2.  Read more.  2 books finished in January already, and book 3 started. 3 books in a year is my norm, so WIN!
3.  No drinking in January and then only Fridays up til April.  MASSIVE FAIL.....!  

2 out of 3 isn't bad I suppose.

Work all day today with Mrs LB back and doing the day care.  Tomorrow's plan is for a rest day but I have got footie tomorrow evening.  If I hurt myself or someone hurts me I will not be impressed.  The prospect of being back on a pitch delivering the Rossi Magic is too good to miss though!  Assuming I can walk on Thursday morning I will pop out for a 6 miler.

Till then

Monday, 24 January 2011

T-83 - Lard Change

6.6 Miles (173.8 Total)
61 Minutes (27 Hours 01 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

They say a week is a long time in politics, well a day is a long time in Lard.  After yesterday's trudge, I thought a nice 3 mile tempo run would stretch the legs and give me a bit a boost.  As I set out I decided after a mile to crack on and do a longer run.  I loved every second of it, managing an average 9 mins 15secs per mile.  Given that this was a mere day after such a long run I am delighted.

I forgot to mention that I was overtaken 3 times yesterday so back to 7:7.  However I overtook a couple out for a saunter this morning so now back to 9:7 to Lard.

Very rare I go off topic but I feel compelled to say that Andy 'tek a bew son' Gray and Richard 'Gorilla' Keys are a pair of complete tools.  Not only are they lucky to have the job they have, but they have held their jobs for years despite being utterly crap at it.  They should consider themselves lucky boys that they work for a raving nut-job of a misogynist.  In the real world they would be out on their ear! By the way this aside was caused only by the radio and my utter contempt for Murdoch.

Anyway back in the real world and I must congratulate most of you for keeping track with Lardy Boy.  There is a much higher hit rate to my blog during the week though which shows that you are clearly very busy people (at the weekend).  Talking of which I have a lot to do so must dash.

Plan for the week is run tomorrow (8-10 miles), rest Wednesday but footie Wednesday evening (so not rest then), 6 miles on Thursday, rest of Friday then long run on Saturday.  I am then going with Mrs Lard down to Whitstable of Saturday night to get very drunk and eat a lot of seafood....  Even though I will not want to I probably will do a little run on Sunday morning purely because it will be a Lardy Boy on Tour opportunity....

Till tomorrow

Sunday, 23 January 2011

T-84 - Quicken the Lard

12.4 Miles (167.2 Total)
122 Minutes (26 Hours 00 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Well after this morning a 2 hour half marathon seems a long way off let alone a 4 hour full one!

This morning was all about distance and not about speed, that said I am a little disappointed with the time.  On the other hand this was my longest training run since I started in November so it is not all bad news.  I ran the whole at talking pace to be honest, but as much as I wanted to pick up the pace a little my legs just wouldn't let me.  No matter I ran from Lard Towers to Hammersmith, down to my old stomping ground in Putney then followed the towpath all the way to Kew and then back to W4. 

Aside from my legs feeling heavy towards the end of the run another issue presented itself, boredom!  Doing these long runs in training is as much about the head than the legs.  It is all about getting your brain used to the long distances and in fact the long time spent running.  As much as you try not to think things like; 'how far to go?', 'when will this mile end?', 'Shit, this run is bloody hard!', you simply do.  The other thing that happens is that after the run you seem to remember it not being as bad as you thought at the time.  This is of course crap!  

After a shower, honey on toast and coffee, the world seems splendid again.

Another thing to consider is that I have now run for more than a day and am now at 26 hours of running.  This doesn't seem too much really until you actually think about it.  A day, doing nothing but running, it's a lot.  I am quite proud of that fact and to be honest there are many more hours to come.  So please click the link above if you haven't already and donate to the Cri du Chat Syndrome charity.  Cheers!

In other news the blog will have an added boost from this week.  On Wednesday nights every the great midfield general is coming out of retirement!  That's right I will be playing 5-a-side footie every 2 weeks with a bunch of other lardy middle-aged blokes.  Clearly the main challenge for someone as erm 'competitive' as myself the main challenge will be not busting my ankle.

The plan is for a little leg stretcher for tomorrow morning, until then have a top Sunday.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

T-89 - Do you ALL need Land Rovers / Discoveries etc...

6.5 Miles (155.5 Total)
61 Minutes (23 Hours 58 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Good afternoon all

I had a superb run this morning, well the first half was.  The second half less so, explanations below.

I thought originally that a quick 3 mile run after my comeback runs was in order, but as it was so glorious this morning I decided to revert Plan B.  I am going to bore you about marathon timing strategies etc tomorrow or Thursday because I cannot get out for a run until Friday.  More later on that soon, back to Plan B.

I would LOVE to beat 4 hours for the Marathon.  I think that this may be beyond me but in the short term an acceptable target would be to run at 9.30 mins per mile pace.  This would result in a tempting 4 hr 9 mins marathon time.

So this morning I wanted to get used to running at the 9.30 pace and deliberately set about to do that regardless of how I was feeling.  Apart from a little 'sprint' at the end, the first 6 miles resulted in times within 10 seconds of the target (some faster some slower).  Happy days.  In a few weeks I am going to challenge myself to run at 9 mins 30 secs pace for as long as I can.  No set limit, just so I get a sense of how far off I am.  If I get to 15 miles I will be delighted!

As mentioned before the first half of the run was great.  The sun was shining I was feeling good, I overtook someone (7:4 to Lardy Boy).  The person in question was 'power-walking'.  Why do people do this?  If you are going to do it just run.  You look like you are desperately trying to find a toilet, I don't understand.

Anyway all was well until the halfway point.  I was running on the north bank of the river.  For those that know that part of the world, I had just gone around Barnes Bridge, on that road loop under the railway line etc.  Now part of that road is in a dip.  If it rains water tends to collect there and your feet get a little wet.  No problem.  This morning though it was less of a ford and more of a fjord!  The water was bloody everywhere.  I started running on the kerb (not a good idea), my feet were ok but I couldn't see where I was going (twisted ankle potential).  I therefore took the plunge (quite literally as it happens) into ice cold water above my ankles.  My mood was not improved by the amount of bloody 4x4's chugging up and down that road, with these yummy mummy's in. Why do they ALL need these cars and what do they do all day?  There were hundreds of them!  Splashing Lardy Boy with crappy muddy puddles.  I therefore arrived home slightly pissed off to be honest but satisfied all the same with my efforts.  

Work enforced lay off now till Friday.  Probably a 5 miler then the 12 mile run on Sunday.

Have a great day!

PS, Oh by the way 2 minutes off 24 hours of training since 1st Nov, and broke the 150 mile barrier too!

Monday, 17 January 2011

T-90 - Judgement Lard

5.8 Miles (149 Total)
51 Minutes (22 Hours 57 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Morning all

Now, this morning was wet.  And not just a little wet.  More biblically, apocalyptic-ally wet.  I am not a religious man, my faiths are my family,  having a good time, Dennis Bergkamp, and Arsenal.  If I am wrong though and Judgement Day should occur, I imagine it would look a little like this morning in West London.

I dropped my little lady at nursery in Acton with her little friend, headed through Chiswick Business Park, down the river to Chiswick Bridge and home.  After recent events I was particularly pleased with myself.  I got thoroughly wet and muddy, which was superb fun.  Having got home showered, coffee in hand and a custard doughnut winking at me life feels good.  I have a lot to do this morning before continued daddy-care duties (get home please Pip!) so not much time to say anything more.

Just a reminder that my just giving link above is just waiting for you to visit, and that I am planning a run tomorrow.  After that I won't be able to get out again til Friday then the looming 12 mile run planned for Sunday.

Also I am entered into the Watford Half Marathon on the 6th Feb.

Til then


Sunday, 16 January 2011

T-91 - He's Back

3.2 Miles (143.2 Total)
28 Minutes (22 Hours 06 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Good morning all

Back a day early as I had had enough of not being out there.  I also took another step towards 40 yesterday which encouraged me to get off my arse.  For the record turning 39 is a bit of a non-entity, you are still young enough to think you still have it but as anyone under the age of 30 will tell you, 39 is bloody old!

Anyway it was nice to get back out this morning.  To be honest it was not easy, the chest infection was really quite bad so it felt like starting from scratch but I am sure it will get easier in the coming days.  I was also wearing a fetching neon yellow running top kindly given to LB by Mrs LB for my birthday!  If you had the misfortune of seeing me around Chiswick this morning I can only apologise, I am sure it wasn't a pleasant site.  Mind you more pleasant that the state of the streets this morning.  Last night must have been a big one in West London, I was the following whilst out this morning:
  • 3 tipped over bins
  • A dismantled roadworks
  • Traffic cone on top of a set of traffic lights
  • Multiple pavement-pizzas
  • A golf bag (minus golf clubs) in the middle of the road

In other news, Mrs LB is leaving me for a week so I am going to have to balance work, daddy duties and training which is going to be a struggle but I have no wriggle room now having lost 2 weeks of training.

Thanks again to those who continue to donate to the cause despite Lardy Boy being sat on his fat arse, it is a great source of encouragement.  I am now over £1,600 which is superb.  If you haven't yet donated but want to don't be shy and click the link above.

Running around after the kids and then taking Mrs LB to Heathrow this afternoon is the order of the day.  Tomorrow's plan is to try a 5-miler then build up during the week with the target of 12 miles on Sunday.

No more illness or injuries please, Lardy is on a mission!

Have a great Sunday.


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

T-95 Days - Gutted

3.2 Miles (139.3 Total)
29 Minutes (21 Hours 38 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

A pretty short and sweet blog this morning.

I am totally gutted.  After 9 days of enforced rest due to a chest infection, I decided that this morning was the right time to get back out there.  In summary, I shouldn't have.  The chest infection clearly has not sorted itself out and after a mile I was really struggling.

After mile 2 I thought I was going to die and after mile 3 I think for a brief moment I actually did!  To prove I have learned from my mistakes I will now force myself to do nothing until Monday by which I bloody well hope that this has sorted itself out.  With only 95 days left to the big day, I have to hope that this is the lowest point, I am being cheated out of 2 weeks of a 16 week training plan (not good).  When I last did the marathon I didn't suffer any major set backs (injury or illness) but was much less motivated to train.  F*cking typically I am motivated this time but.......

Anyway to be positive, I have realigned the training plan starting on Monday, with a 4 miler.  By the following weekend I want to do a 12 mile long run which will be progress from the 10 milers I have done a couple of times so far.

Also I have now reached over £1,500 in sponsorship and now half way to my initial sponsorship target.  I would like to get to £5k, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Friday, 7 January 2011

T-102 - Fundraising Update - No Run.... Sick Lard!

0 Miles (136.1 Total)
0 Minutes (21 Hours 09 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Good afternoon all

A quick, excuse update.

I am gutted to say that I am now on anti-biotics to finally see off this chest infection / sinusitis that has been bugging me for the past few weeks.  As a result I have not been out since Monday.  This is a set back but not a disaster and hopefully I will be able to get back on track next week.

I am all the more gutted because I went on quite a successful Lardy Advertising Campaign.  I wanted to back that up with a few runs this week and a 12 miler on Sunday.  Alas not yet.  The good news is that I am now over £1,500 in donations.  A huge thanks to those who have donated so far.  I have not given up hope that nearer the time I can beat the £3k target and get nearer £5k.  For those who have recently 'invested' in Lard, don't worry, I will not let you down! 

When I did this last time I had no blog to write so I could hide when I didn't run.  With this blog I feel the need to write even if I have stayed firmly on my fat arse!  Nevermind.

If anyone has any great fund-raising ideas then please get in touch. 


Monday, 3 January 2011

T-105 - Lardosa

6.2 Miles (136.1 Total)
58 Minutes (21 Hours 09 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Morning all

After yesterday's 10 miler getting out of bed for a run was always going to be difficult.  That said, I did and was pleased with the effort.  I tried to do a bit of a fartlek run by running miles 1,3,5 slowly and 2,4,6 fast.  I must say that I didn't do that very well to be honest!  The slow miles were too fast and the fast too slow, having said that it was the first time I tried it so I will persevere.

Overtook a couple out this morning so 6:4 to Lardy Boy on overtakes.  Again lots of people out and about on the towpath, day 3 of New Year's Resolutions and it seems most people are sticking to it.  My second full day off the booze passed without incident.  It did make staying up to watch the cricket a little more difficult (much easier with a brandy!)

It is also the last day of the Christmas break for Pippa and myself.  I have really enjoyed having pretty much 3 weeks off work but being self-employed these days means that no-one is paying me for the privilege!  This will mean fitting the runs in a little tougher but the mileage is really ramping up now so there will be little choice but for some dark early morning runs...

Probable rest day tomorrow although may do a 3 mile run to keep the legs stretched.

Have a great day.