12.4 Miles (167.2 Total)
122 Minutes (26 Hours 00 Minutes)
DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
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Well after this morning a 2 hour half marathon seems a long way off let alone a 4 hour full one!
This morning was all about distance and not about speed, that said I am a little disappointed with the time. On the other hand this was my longest training run since I started in November so it is not all bad news. I ran the whole at talking pace to be honest, but as much as I wanted to pick up the pace a little my legs just wouldn't let me. No matter I ran from Lard Towers to Hammersmith, down to my old stomping ground in Putney then followed the towpath all the way to Kew and then back to W4.
Aside from my legs feeling heavy towards the end of the run another issue presented itself, boredom! Doing these long runs in training is as much about the head than the legs. It is all about getting your brain used to the long distances and in fact the long time spent running. As much as you try not to think things like; 'how far to go?', 'when will this mile end?', 'Shit, this run is bloody hard!', you simply do. The other thing that happens is that after the run you seem to remember it not being as bad as you thought at the time. This is of course crap!
After a shower, honey on toast and coffee, the world seems splendid again.
Another thing to consider is that I have now run for more than a day and am now at 26 hours of running. This doesn't seem too much really until you actually think about it. A day, doing nothing but running, it's a lot. I am quite proud of that fact and to be honest there are many more hours to come. So please click the link above if you haven't already and donate to the Cri du Chat Syndrome charity. Cheers!
In other news the blog will have an added boost from this week. On Wednesday nights every the great midfield general is coming out of retirement! That's right I will be playing 5-a-side footie every 2 weeks with a bunch of other lardy middle-aged blokes. Clearly the main challenge for someone as erm 'competitive' as myself the main challenge will be not busting my ankle.
The plan is for a little leg stretcher for tomorrow morning, until then have a top Sunday.
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