Tuesday, 18 January 2011

T-89 - Do you ALL need Land Rovers / Discoveries etc...

6.5 Miles (155.5 Total)
61 Minutes (23 Hours 58 Minutes)

DONATE: www.justgiving.com/jamie-ross
FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

Good afternoon all

I had a superb run this morning, well the first half was.  The second half less so, explanations below.

I thought originally that a quick 3 mile run after my comeback runs was in order, but as it was so glorious this morning I decided to revert Plan B.  I am going to bore you about marathon timing strategies etc tomorrow or Thursday because I cannot get out for a run until Friday.  More later on that soon, back to Plan B.

I would LOVE to beat 4 hours for the Marathon.  I think that this may be beyond me but in the short term an acceptable target would be to run at 9.30 mins per mile pace.  This would result in a tempting 4 hr 9 mins marathon time.

So this morning I wanted to get used to running at the 9.30 pace and deliberately set about to do that regardless of how I was feeling.  Apart from a little 'sprint' at the end, the first 6 miles resulted in times within 10 seconds of the target (some faster some slower).  Happy days.  In a few weeks I am going to challenge myself to run at 9 mins 30 secs pace for as long as I can.  No set limit, just so I get a sense of how far off I am.  If I get to 15 miles I will be delighted!

As mentioned before the first half of the run was great.  The sun was shining I was feeling good, I overtook someone (7:4 to Lardy Boy).  The person in question was 'power-walking'.  Why do people do this?  If you are going to do it just run.  You look like you are desperately trying to find a toilet, I don't understand.

Anyway all was well until the halfway point.  I was running on the north bank of the river.  For those that know that part of the world, I had just gone around Barnes Bridge, on that road loop under the railway line etc.  Now part of that road is in a dip.  If it rains water tends to collect there and your feet get a little wet.  No problem.  This morning though it was less of a ford and more of a fjord!  The water was bloody everywhere.  I started running on the kerb (not a good idea), my feet were ok but I couldn't see where I was going (twisted ankle potential).  I therefore took the plunge (quite literally as it happens) into ice cold water above my ankles.  My mood was not improved by the amount of bloody 4x4's chugging up and down that road, with these yummy mummy's in. Why do they ALL need these cars and what do they do all day?  There were hundreds of them!  Splashing Lardy Boy with crappy muddy puddles.  I therefore arrived home slightly pissed off to be honest but satisfied all the same with my efforts.  

Work enforced lay off now till Friday.  Probably a 5 miler then the 12 mile run on Sunday.

Have a great day!

PS, Oh by the way 2 minutes off 24 hours of training since 1st Nov, and broke the 150 mile barrier too!

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