Monday, 24 January 2011

T-83 - Lard Change

6.6 Miles (173.8 Total)
61 Minutes (27 Hours 01 Minutes)

FOLLOW LARDY BOY ON TWITTER: @Rooster1972.  Please follow me on Twitter for additional Lardy Boy updates

They say a week is a long time in politics, well a day is a long time in Lard.  After yesterday's trudge, I thought a nice 3 mile tempo run would stretch the legs and give me a bit a boost.  As I set out I decided after a mile to crack on and do a longer run.  I loved every second of it, managing an average 9 mins 15secs per mile.  Given that this was a mere day after such a long run I am delighted.

I forgot to mention that I was overtaken 3 times yesterday so back to 7:7.  However I overtook a couple out for a saunter this morning so now back to 9:7 to Lard.

Very rare I go off topic but I feel compelled to say that Andy 'tek a bew son' Gray and Richard 'Gorilla' Keys are a pair of complete tools.  Not only are they lucky to have the job they have, but they have held their jobs for years despite being utterly crap at it.  They should consider themselves lucky boys that they work for a raving nut-job of a misogynist.  In the real world they would be out on their ear! By the way this aside was caused only by the radio and my utter contempt for Murdoch.

Anyway back in the real world and I must congratulate most of you for keeping track with Lardy Boy.  There is a much higher hit rate to my blog during the week though which shows that you are clearly very busy people (at the weekend).  Talking of which I have a lot to do so must dash.

Plan for the week is run tomorrow (8-10 miles), rest Wednesday but footie Wednesday evening (so not rest then), 6 miles on Thursday, rest of Friday then long run on Saturday.  I am then going with Mrs Lard down to Whitstable of Saturday night to get very drunk and eat a lot of seafood....  Even though I will not want to I probably will do a little run on Sunday morning purely because it will be a Lardy Boy on Tour opportunity....

Till tomorrow

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