10.5 Miles (129.9 Total)
101 Minutes (20 Hours 11 Minutes)
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Good morning and a Happy New Year one and all.
A very happy New Year in the Brooks household in particular. Baby Enid has a little sister, Emily Jane, born on New Year's Day weighing in at a whopping 8lb 15oz!!! Good work to Mr and Mrs Brooks, we at Lard Towers are very impressed at the speed of the labour. Mrs LB is particularly annoyed though given her 20+ hours of labour efforts!
A highly amusing, enjoyable and eventful run this morning. Back up to double figures for the first time post Christmas although I must admit the last 2 miles were horrendous. Proof if ever I needed it that there is a long way to go training wise.
This morning's route took me from Lard Towers down to the river at Chiswick Bridge, north bank to 'Smiff Bridge, then south to Kew and back to Lard Towers. The traffic was fairly significant on the towpath, lots of New Year's resolutions on display that I am sure will fall by the wayside, much like my own of no alcohol in January then only Friday night boozing until the marathon.
It was a 2-2 draw on overtakes with the blokes overtaking me clearly super fit, made me feel like a right waster. This was offset by overtaking an oldish bloke and a total nonce. This second guy clearly went through this thought process this morning. 'I know I will run down a muddy towpath, what shall I wear? I know, I will stick on my skin tight white velour trakky bottoms.' As a result he was mincing down the towpath trying not to get his Giorgio Trakkies dirty. Lardy dispatched 'him' with ease.
It was also a gorgeous morning, I must take the camera out on mornings like this. To hell with the time and take some snaps.
I have entered 2 races for the New Year. I am in the Watford Half Marathon on 6th February and the Kingston 16 mile run on 27th March. I am looking for a 10k race in late Feb and early April so if anyone can recommend one then let me know.
Till tomorrow
Well done Lardy, good start to the year. Ellie h