Monday, 30 January 2012

Magic Mile - Day 30

Morning all

Well after a weekend celebrating Mrs LB's xxth birthday it is back to work today but I thought 10 minutes of procrastination and a Magic Mile update were in order.  Before that I am pleased to say that my run streak is now over a week, despite not being at all 100% fit.  I am planning a trip to the physio this week to hopefully get things sorted but whilst I am still doing fairly small mileage I don't think there will be too many problems.

Over the weekend I got a few more entries for the Magic Mile however I would like a lot more.  As a result I plan on keeping registration open for a few more weeks yet (probably til the end of February), please help me keep interest up with RT's on Twitter and getting times from friends and family who might not be on Twitter but want to take part.  EVERYONE is welcome!

Anyway for those that have entered already I would like to remind you that you need to have given me your best mile split by tomorrow.  If you know you can go faster than the time you have given me so far then you need to get out there and run it!  I don't want someone telling me in February that they have improved their time by a minute because that is not the point of the Magic Mile.  

The whole point is training hard and competing hard to improve on what you thought was the best you could do.  Also having fun obviously!  For example when I did my 6:49 last week I can assure you that there was nothing left in the tank.  I was all over the place, I know that improving that time will be very hard but my target is 6 minutes!  God knows how I will get there but I will try.

Tomorrow I will do a post explaining the next phase, however for now the focus is getting more times in so please do.  Also remember to follow @LBMagicMile as well as my main account @LardyBoy2011 because that is where all Magic Mile news will come.

Also a reminder of the rules (such as they are is at the bottom of this blog)


SUMMARY - 2012
Running - 47.6 miles (Today 4.1 @8::50mm)
Run Streak - 8
Magic Mile Best - 6mins 49secs
Football Sessions - 4


Place Twitter User Time
1 bazzajog 04:55
2 sunbed16 04:58
3 hannamator 05:15
4 mike_uobhc 05:48
5 TheBeerRunner 05:48
6 SamMarsh78 05:49
7 bones_145 05:50
8 marvinleeryan 05:50
9 neil_mitchell 06:03
10 sleepworkrun 06:04
11 MrFatChance 06:07
12 rob_k 06:08
13 mrafletch 06:10
14 mazymixer 06:11
15 nickmahoney 06:11
16 runrforlife 06:14
17 rossrunslondon 06:19
18 runner786 06:20
19 chrismarritt 06:28
20 marathonman217 06:30
21 truckingrunner 06:31
22 robantonycope 06:32
23 Stoerminator 06:40
24 m8dkn 06:43
25 danrunning 06:44
26 martinbown 06:45
27 LardyBoy2011 06:49
28 jedirider 06:49
29 phillengthorn 06:50
30 Twiterlander 06:53
31 charlie2486 06:54
32 gordonmaw 07:02
33 naominf 07:02
34 liamconway 07:04
35 rosessions 07:04
36 marktownson 07:04
37 cmmercer 07:06
38 nelsonsnose 07:10
39 TIS_SI 07:12
40 treesausage 07:13
41 shellmoby 07:22
42 RuggedRadnage 07:25
43 gotmethere 07:28
44 mikew30jnr (*) 07:29
45 _martyn_fisher 07:30
46 mikew30jnr2 (*) 07:30
47 hongkongpauly 07:32
48 dav3c 07:42
49 chanters11 07:45
50 madebyelves 07:45
51 croxie04 07:50
52 Ma7R1chardson 07:51
53 hollycall01 07:52
54 dunsrunner 07:55
55 kelcart1 07:55
56 mrsbedders 07:56
57 JamesTurton 07:59
58 ajbrickner 08:01
59 chickendansak 08:05
60 Michael Hawkesford (*) 08:05
61 hayleybryon 08:07
62 joel_t34 08:07
63 runningdiary 08:09
64 JulieHawkesford 08:15
65 mel_bucks 08:18
66 sidowski 08:20
67 Dr_Putter 08:28
68 mikew30 08:31
69 olisloman 08:33
70 jevon_76 08:38
71 malvernrunner 08:42
72 Lisa_Run 08:48
73 misshudson14 08:50
74 mazymixerjnr (*) 08:52
75 Jo Turner (*) 08:55
76 kbbookkeeping 08:55
77 rhianonruns 08:57
78 natrasopheJane 09:01
79 nylonruns 09:08
80 InzaghePR 09:09
81 TIS_SI_Chav (*) 09:10
82 TIS_SI_Citeh (*) 09:10
83 Liesel Botes (*) 09:24
84 longjogroz 09:24
85 SidneyHarber72 09:29
86 splodz 09:35
87 magskev01 09:40
88 rogersgeotech 09:44
89 MellieMelC 09:46
90 CRUKWalton 09:49
91 CathMarie 09:59
92 summergurl 09:59
93 Jools Gala (*) 10:00
94 Elly_Tatum 10:05
95 alexmitchell (*) 10:07
96 helenstothard 10:09
97 plumduff2 10:16
98 npbown 10:17
99 darthbeeharbugs 10:23
100 futuretracy 10:26
101 lozzatron12 10:46
102 Andy Bell (*) 12:00
103 theramblingduck 13:09
104 ruth_stoker 13:26
105 Jeannerobo 13:30
106 crammy76 inj
107 josmith inj
108 MrsJackabnory inj
109 realmattcanning inj


The rules are few and far between to be honest, this is all supposed to be fun only....  If everyone abides by these simple rules then that would be great!

1.  The Magic Mile is just simply the best mile split you run throughout January.  It doesn't matter if the run was only 1 mile or 20 miles, whatever your best split is, is your Magic Mile Time

2.  The Magic Mile times will be fixed at the end of January, each month thereafter each runner should submit their best splits again (only once a month at the end of the month).  I will track progress and provide leader boards etc

3.  Where possible try to measure the same mile that you managed in January, just to make it as scientific as possible.  This will not always be possible but try your best.

4.  Honesty and for fun only.  There will be a prize at the end of the year for the fastest mile and the most improved runner (as a percentage of their original time), but clearly the whole premise of the Magic Mile is that no-one should be fixing their January time to be 'easy' to improve.  It kind of defeats the object!

5.  Promotion of the Magic Mile.  All I ask in return for this is for all of you to promote this on Twitter and with your mates.  It is easier for people to submit their times on Twitter but email is fine!  Just let me know and I can DM my email address.  There will be a email in due course!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Magic Mile - Day 26

Evening all

Just a quick one today.....  Today was a great day for 2 reasons:

1.  Mrs LB ran her longest run ever with me this morning with a 6 miler banked and a pretty good pace. 

2.  We are at 100 entrants to the Magic Mile!  I have to admit to struggling to keep up to date with it all so if I have missed you or your time is not up to date, please send it in to @LBMagicMile and I will take care of it, I promise!

Today's run was perfect for me after the magic mile run last night and an hour of footie.  I was feeling pretty knackered and the legs were not feeling the love!

Anyway that is it, day 4 of the run streak done!  League table below and yes the leader is at 4:55 and no, I have no idea how either!  Let's keep the entries rolling in!


SUMMARY - 2012
Running - 32.3 miles (Today 6.0 @9:42mm)
Run Streak - 4
Magic Mile Best - 6mins 49secs
Football Sessions - 4


Place Twitter User Time
1 bazzajog 04:55
2 hannamator 05:15
3 mike_uobhc 05:48
4 TheBeerRunner 05:48
5 SamMarsh78 05:49
6 bones_145 05:50
7 marvinleeryan 05:50
8 neil_mitchell 06:03
9 sleepworkrun 06:04
10 sunbed16 06:05
11 rob_k 06:08
12 mrafletch 06:10
13 mazymixer 06:11
14 runrforlife 06:14
15 rossrunslondon 06:19
16 nickmahoney 06:22
17 chrismarritt 06:28
18 marathonman217 06:30
19 truckingrunner 06:31
20 robantonycope 06:32
21 Stoerminator 06:40
22 m8dkn 06:43
23 MrFatChance 06:44
24 danrunning 06:44
25 martinbown 06:45
26 LardyBoy2011 06:49
27 jedirider 06:49
28 phillengthorn 06:50
29 Twiterlander 06:53
30 charlie2486 06:54
31 gordonmaw 07:02
32 naominf 07:02
33 liamconway 07:04
34 rosessions 07:04
35 TIS_SI 07:12
36 treesausage 07:13
37 cmmercer 07:15
38 shellmoby 07:22
39 nelsonsnose 07:24
40 RuggedRadnage 07:25
41 gotmethere 07:28
42 mikew30jnr (*) 07:29
43 _martyn_fisher 07:30
44 hongkongpauly 07:32
45 mikew30jnr2 (*) 07:32
46 dav3c 07:42
47 chanters11 07:45
48 madebyelves 07:45
49 Ma7R1chardson 07:51
50 hollycall01 07:52
51 dunsrunner 07:55
52 mrsbedders 07:56
53 ajbrickner 08:01
54 chickendansak 08:05
55 Michael Hawkesford (*) 08:05
56 hayleybryon 08:07
57 joel_t34 08:07
58 runningdiary 08:09
59 JamesTurton 08:12
60 JulieHawkesford 08:15
61 mel_bucks 08:18
62 sidowski 08:20
63 Dr_Putter 08:28
64 mikew30 08:31
65 olisloman 08:33
66 croxie04 08:38
67 jevon_76 08:38
68 malvernrunner 08:42
69 Lisa_Run 08:48
70 mazymixerjnr (*) 08:52
71 Jo Turner (*) 08:55
72 kbbookkeeping 08:55
73 rhianonruns 08:57
74 natrasopheJane 09:01
75 nylonruns 09:08
76 InzaghePR 09:09
77 Liesel Botes (*) 09:24
78 longjogroz 09:24
79 SidneyHarber72 09:29
80 splodz 09:35
81 magskev01 09:40
82 rogersgeotech 09:44
83 MellieMelC 09:46
84 CathMarie 09:59
85 summergurl 09:59
86 Jools Gala (*) 10:00
87 Elly_Tatum 10:05
88 alexmitchell (*) 10:07
89 helenstothard 10:09
90 plumduff2 10:16
91 npbown 10:17
92 darthbeeharbugs 10:23
93 futuretracy 10:26
94 lozzatron12 10:46
95 Andy Bell (*) 12:00
96 theramblingduck 13:09
97 crammy76 inj
98 josmith inj
99 MrsJackabnory inj
100 realmattcanning inj