Thursday, 26 January 2012

Magic Mile - Day 26

Evening all

Just a quick one today.....  Today was a great day for 2 reasons:

1.  Mrs LB ran her longest run ever with me this morning with a 6 miler banked and a pretty good pace. 

2.  We are at 100 entrants to the Magic Mile!  I have to admit to struggling to keep up to date with it all so if I have missed you or your time is not up to date, please send it in to @LBMagicMile and I will take care of it, I promise!

Today's run was perfect for me after the magic mile run last night and an hour of footie.  I was feeling pretty knackered and the legs were not feeling the love!

Anyway that is it, day 4 of the run streak done!  League table below and yes the leader is at 4:55 and no, I have no idea how either!  Let's keep the entries rolling in!


SUMMARY - 2012
Running - 32.3 miles (Today 6.0 @9:42mm)
Run Streak - 4
Magic Mile Best - 6mins 49secs
Football Sessions - 4


Place Twitter User Time
1 bazzajog 04:55
2 hannamator 05:15
3 mike_uobhc 05:48
4 TheBeerRunner 05:48
5 SamMarsh78 05:49
6 bones_145 05:50
7 marvinleeryan 05:50
8 neil_mitchell 06:03
9 sleepworkrun 06:04
10 sunbed16 06:05
11 rob_k 06:08
12 mrafletch 06:10
13 mazymixer 06:11
14 runrforlife 06:14
15 rossrunslondon 06:19
16 nickmahoney 06:22
17 chrismarritt 06:28
18 marathonman217 06:30
19 truckingrunner 06:31
20 robantonycope 06:32
21 Stoerminator 06:40
22 m8dkn 06:43
23 MrFatChance 06:44
24 danrunning 06:44
25 martinbown 06:45
26 LardyBoy2011 06:49
27 jedirider 06:49
28 phillengthorn 06:50
29 Twiterlander 06:53
30 charlie2486 06:54
31 gordonmaw 07:02
32 naominf 07:02
33 liamconway 07:04
34 rosessions 07:04
35 TIS_SI 07:12
36 treesausage 07:13
37 cmmercer 07:15
38 shellmoby 07:22
39 nelsonsnose 07:24
40 RuggedRadnage 07:25
41 gotmethere 07:28
42 mikew30jnr (*) 07:29
43 _martyn_fisher 07:30
44 hongkongpauly 07:32
45 mikew30jnr2 (*) 07:32
46 dav3c 07:42
47 chanters11 07:45
48 madebyelves 07:45
49 Ma7R1chardson 07:51
50 hollycall01 07:52
51 dunsrunner 07:55
52 mrsbedders 07:56
53 ajbrickner 08:01
54 chickendansak 08:05
55 Michael Hawkesford (*) 08:05
56 hayleybryon 08:07
57 joel_t34 08:07
58 runningdiary 08:09
59 JamesTurton 08:12
60 JulieHawkesford 08:15
61 mel_bucks 08:18
62 sidowski 08:20
63 Dr_Putter 08:28
64 mikew30 08:31
65 olisloman 08:33
66 croxie04 08:38
67 jevon_76 08:38
68 malvernrunner 08:42
69 Lisa_Run 08:48
70 mazymixerjnr (*) 08:52
71 Jo Turner (*) 08:55
72 kbbookkeeping 08:55
73 rhianonruns 08:57
74 natrasopheJane 09:01
75 nylonruns 09:08
76 InzaghePR 09:09
77 Liesel Botes (*) 09:24
78 longjogroz 09:24
79 SidneyHarber72 09:29
80 splodz 09:35
81 magskev01 09:40
82 rogersgeotech 09:44
83 MellieMelC 09:46
84 CathMarie 09:59
85 summergurl 09:59
86 Jools Gala (*) 10:00
87 Elly_Tatum 10:05
88 alexmitchell (*) 10:07
89 helenstothard 10:09
90 plumduff2 10:16
91 npbown 10:17
92 darthbeeharbugs 10:23
93 futuretracy 10:26
94 lozzatron12 10:46
95 Andy Bell (*) 12:00
96 theramblingduck 13:09
97 crammy76 inj
98 josmith inj
99 MrsJackabnory inj
100 realmattcanning inj

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