Friday, 20 January 2012

Magic Mile - 01-20

Well all

This is a quick blog to update everyone on the Magic Mile situation.  The main reason it is quick is because I am still injured so I have done little this week apart from a bit of footie and a 2 mile run to test the old groin.

I am determined to get back out this weekend though so expect some big miles from Lardy Boy in the next week. 

As you can see below we are now at 75 people entered and we really need loads more.  I may extend the deadline beyond the end of the month but now is the time for EVERYONE we know to run a mile and send it to me on Twitter.

The website should be up and running soon, and also I will be sending out some more details on next steps.  But first we really need more mile times in.  So spread the word please!

In other news we have a new leader and bloody hell look at it!  That's all there is to say on the matter.  Great work from the Liverpool fan!  Follow him if you are on Twitter as he represents a great cause. #jft96

Have a great weekend.


Place Twitter User Time
1 hannamator 05:15
2 TheBeerRunner 05:48
3 mike_uobhc 05:48
4 SamMarsh78 05:49
5 bones_145 05:50
6 neil_mitchell 06:03
7 rob_k 06:08
8 mazymixer 06:11
9 runforlife 06:14
10 rossrunslondon 06:19
11 sleepworkrun 06:22
12 nickmahoney 06:22
13 chrismarritt 06:28
14 truckingrunner 06:31
15 robantonycope 06:32
16 Stoerminator 06:40
17 m8dkn 06:43
18 MrFatChance 06:44
19 mrafletch 06:45
20 martinbown 06:45
21 marathonman217 06:48
22 Twiterlander 06:53
23 charlie2486 06:54
24 naominf 07:02
25 gordonmaw 07:02
26 rosessions 07:04
27 liamconway 07:04
28 treesausage 07:13
29 RuggedRadnage 07:25
30 TIS_SI 07:25
31 cmmercer 07:27
32 gotmethere 07:28
33 LardyBoy2011 07:28
34 hongkongpauly 07:32
35 dav3c 07:42
36 chanters11 07:45
37 madebyelves 07:45
38 hollycall01 07:52
39 mrsbedders 07:56
40 chickendansak 08:05
41 Michael Hawkesford (*) 08:05
42 hayleybryon 08:07
43 joel_t34 08:07
44 JamesTurton 08:12
45 JulieHawkesford 08:15
46 Dr_Putter 08:28
47 mikew30 08:31
48 olisloman 08:33
49 croxie04 08:38
50 ajbrickner 08:40
51 Lisa_Run 08:48
52 runningdiary 08:54
53 kbookkeeping 08:55
54 rhianonruns 08:57
55 nelsonsnose 09:08
56 InzaghePR 09:09
57 nylonruns 09:13
58 Liesel Botes (*) 09:24
59 SidneyHarber72 09:29
60 rogersgeotech 09:44
61 MellieMelC 09:46
62 natrasopheJane 09:57
63 CathMarie 09:59
64 summergurl 09:59
65 Jools Gala (*) 10:00
66 alexmitchell (*) 10:07
67 magskev01 10:10
68 plumduff2 10:16
69 npbown 10:17
70 futuretracy 10:26
71 mazymixerjnr (*) 10:43
72 Andy Bell (*) 12:00
73 crammy76 inj
74 dunsrunner inj
75 josmith inj

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